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  • Nowak, Marie
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies. Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism, Mid Sweden University, Östersund.
    Heldt, Tobias
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies.
    Lexhagen, M.
    Nordström, Jonas
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Economics. School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Lund.
    Co-designing carbon label interventions in restaurants: insights from a field experiment in a tourism destination2024In: Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, ISSN 1502-2250, E-ISSN 1502-2269Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Food consumption accounts for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions in developed countries, with the hospitality industry, including restaurants, playing a significant role. While behavioural interventions show promise in promoting climate-friendly food choices, their implementation in hospitality operations poses significant challenges. This study integrates the operational perspectives of managers and staff with consumer behaviour insights to provide a more holistic understanding of intervention design in real-world hospitality settings. Through workshops with staff at an à la carte restaurant in a Swedish tourist destination, we co-designed a carbon label intervention and tested it in a field experiment. While the overall effect on consumer choice was limited, a substitution from high–to medium-emission dishes was observed. Moreover, our research offers a framework and practical insights for collaboratively designing behavioural interventions in hospitality. The study underscores the importance of staff engagement, guest satisfaction, and the need for ongoing adaptation in intervention design. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.

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  • Marina, H.
    et al.
    Fikse, W. F.
    Rönnegård, Lars
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Statistics. Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala; The Beijer Laboratory for Animal Science, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.
    Social network analysis to predict social behavior in dairy cattle2024In: JDS Communications, ISSN 2666-9102, Vol. 5, no 6, p. 608-612Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Dairy cattle are frequently housed in freestalls with limited space, affecting social interactions between individuals. Social behavior in dairy cattle is gaining recognition as a valuable tool for identifying sick animals, but its application is hampered by the complexities of analyzing social interactions in intensive housing systems. In this context, precision livestock technologies present the opportunity to continuously monitor dyadic spatial associations on dairy farms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of predicting social behavior of dairy cows using social network analysis. Daily social networks were built using the position data from 149 cows over 14 consecutive days of the study period. We applied the separable temporal exponential random graph models to estimate the likelihood of formation and persistence of social contacts between dairy cows individually and to predict the social network on the subsequent day. The correlation between the individual degree centrality values, the number of established social contacts per individual, between the predicted and observed networks ranged from 0.22 to 0.49 when the structural information from network triangles was included in the model. This study presents a novel approach for predicting animal social behavior in intensive housing systems using spatial association information obtained from a real-time location system. The results indicate the potential of this approach as a crucial step toward the larger goal of identifying disruptions in dairy cows' expected social behavior. © 2024

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  • Almusaed, A.
    et al.
    Yitmen, I.
    Almssad, A.
    Myhren, Jonn Are
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Construction.
    Construction 5.0 and Sustainable Neuro-Responsive Habitats: Integrating the Brain–Computer Interface and Building Information Modeling in Smart Residential Spaces2024In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 16, no 21, article id 9393Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This study takes a unique approach by investigating the integration of Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) within residential architecture. It explores their combined potential to foster neuro-responsive, sustainable environments within the framework of Construction 5.0. The methodological approach involves real-time BCI data and subjective evaluations of occupants’ experiences to elucidate cognitive and emotional states. These data inform BIM-driven alterations that facilitate adaptable, customized, and sustainability-oriented architectural solutions. The results highlight the ability of BCI–BIM integration to create dynamic, occupant-responsive environments that enhance well-being, promote energy efficiency, and minimize environmental impact. The primary contribution of this work is the demonstration of the viability of neuro-responsive architecture, wherein cognitive input from Brain–Computer Interfaces enables real-time modifications to architectural designs. This technique enhances built environments’ flexibility and user-centered quality by integrating occupant preferences and mental states into the design process. Furthermore, integrating BCI and BIM technologies has significant implications for advancing sustainability and facilitating the design of energy-efficient and ecologically responsible residential areas. The study offers practical insights for architects, engineers, and construction professionals, providing a method for implementing BCI–BIM systems to enhance user experience and promote sustainable design practices. The research examines ethical issues concerning privacy, data security, and informed permission, ensuring these technologies adhere to moral and legal requirements. The study underscores the transformational potential of BCI–BIM integration while acknowledging challenges related to data interoperability, integrity, and scalability. As a result, ongoing innovation and rigorous ethical supervision are crucial for effectively implementing these technologies. The findings provide practical insights for architects, engineers, and industry professionals, offering a roadmap for developing intelligent and ethically sound design practices. © 2024 by the authors.

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  • Squires, Vanessa
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Etiska livsfrågor i svenska religionskunskapsläromedel för mellanstadiet: En jämförande analys av de etiska avsnitten av tre läromedel för årskurs 4–6 utifrån Lgr 222024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study investigates the representation of ethical life issues in three Swedish religious education textbooks for grades 4-6, with the aim of analyzing how these textbooks address ethical dilemmas and life questions, and how these presentations align with the Swedish national curriculum (Lgr 22). By employing both qualitative and quantitative content analysis, the study evaluates the extent to which ethical issues are covered and how they are portrayed in relation to students’ needs and the national curriculum’s objectives. Grounded in discourse theory and textbook theory, the research explores how ethical life questions are framed within the textbooks, comparing their treatment of themes such as responsibility, equality and moral dilemmas. The findings reveal that while all three textbooks – Puls Religion 4-6, Upptäck Religion 4-6 and Utkik Religion 4-6 – address ethical issues to varying degree, significantdifference in depth and structure are evident. Puls Religion 4-6 presents ethical questions within a dedicated chapter, focusing primarily on personal identity and social relations, yet lack a deeper engagement with broader societal and moral dilemmas. Upptäck Religion 4-6 integrates open-ended ethical questions throughout the text, though it does not provide a comprehensive focus on key ethical themes. In contrast, Utkik Religion 4-6 offers a more extensive exploration of ethical dilemmas, including issues of responsibility and equality. The study underscores the need for a more structured and critical approach to teaching ethics in order to enhance students’ understanding of complex moral issues in a multicultural society. It also emphasizes the importance of aligning textbooks more closely with students’ interests and the curriculum’s ethical and moral goals. 

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  • Karlsson, Sandra
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Hedersbegreppets plats i religionskunskapsundervisningen: En fenomenografisk studie om mellanstadielärares uppfattningar av begreppet heder som undervisningsinnehåll2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Under 2022 tillämpades en ny läroplan i Sveriges skolor, LGR22. Heder är ett nytt begrepp som inte inkluderats i tidigare läroplaner. För att introducera ett begrepp i undervisningen behöver lärare fungerande strategier och verktyg. Studien syftar till att undersöka mellanstadielärares uppfattningar om hedersbegreppet som undervisningsinnehåll i religionskunskapsundervisningen. Syftet ska besvaras genom tre forskningsfrågor som fokuserar på hedersbegreppet som undervisningsinnehåll i religionskunskap, lärares undervisningsstrategier för att hantera hedersbegreppet samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter lärare uttrycker det finns i undervisningen med hedersbegreppet i religionskunskap.

    För att besvara studiens syfte och frågeställningar, har fyra skilda kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med mellanstadielärare på svenska skolor. Intervjuerna har analyserats med hjälp av fenomenografi som teoretiskt perspektiv, då utgångspunkten varit att undersöka informanternas uppfattningar i relation till hedersbegreppet som fenomen. Variationsteorin, som studiens andra teoretiska perspektiv, har hjälpt att urskilja resultatens variationer av uppfattningar i relation till hedersbegreppet som undervisningsinnehåll. Resultatet visar att hedersbegreppet sällan förekommer i undervisningen, vilket beror på: en hög arbetsbelastning, avsaknad av kunskap i ett komplext ämne, att hedersbegreppet inte förekommer i skolans läromedel och en oro för att bidra till felaktiga stereotyper. Resultatet visar också exempel på strategier i hur lärarna hanterar kontroversiella begrepp i undervisningen. Lärarna ansåg det viktigt att: vara påläst om ett ämne som ska undervisas om, att vara närvarande med eleverna, att ha en trygg lärmiljö och att läraren äger frågan i klassrummet. För att undervisning om hedersbegreppet ska möjliggöras återkommande, uppfattade lärarna att begreppet behöver inkluderas i skolans läromedel, att lärarna blir erbjudna handledningar eller fortbildning inom arbetstid och ett förslag till starkare samarbete med skolans elevhälsa och lokala myndigheter. 

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  • Hanzén, Lowisa
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    ”Jag menar, skolan skulle ju aldrig kalla det för undervisning”: Nio lärares tal om undervisning i fritidshem2024Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Sedan revideringen 2016 av Läroplan för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet 2011, Lgr 11, används begreppet undervisning för att beskriva verksamheten i fritidshem. Den beskrivning av undervisning som uttrycks i läroplanen kan betraktas som ett policybegrepp som ska tolkas och omförhandlas i en ständigt pågående process: lärarna konstruerar undervisning i en rekontextualisering av policy (policy enactment-teori). Vad händer med undervisningsbegreppet när det når fritidshemspraktiken och lärarnas arbete där? Tidigare forskning visar på en tolkningsproblematik då begreppet inte till fullo är etablerat på fältet (Ackesjö & Haglund, 2022) och att de skilda tolkningar som gjorts genererar ett likvärdighetsproblem (Norqvist, 2022). Denna studie syftar till att bidra med fördjupad kunskap om hur lärare konstruerar undervisning i fritidshem genom att analysera deras beskrivningar av sin praktik. För att utforska vad lärarna talar om i beskrivningarna av sin praktik har Klafkis (1997) fem undervisningsfrågor använts som analysverktyg. Dessa fem frågor behandlar olika aspekter av undervisning: mål, innehåll, metod, medier och bedömning. Genom semistrukturerad kvalitativ intervju har nio lärare med olika bakgrund berättat om sin undervisning. Samtliga lärare är behöriga för och arbetar i fritidshem. Analysen visar att i lärarnas tal kan beskrivningar av aktiviteter i fritidshemmet utgöra svar på Klafkis (1997) samtliga frågor om undervisning: mål, innehåll, metod, medium och bedömning. Studien, som har en diskursanalytisk ansats, visar att lärarna konstruerar undervisning på ett sätt som likställer undervisningen med det lärande som sker i fritidshem. Det blir bland annat synligt genom beskrivningar som återger hur elever ständigt undervisas, men att lärarna inte alltid undervisar. Det är alltså en lärandediskurs som dominerar lärarnas undervisningspraktik.

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  • Gustafsson, Inga-Britt
    et al.
    Uppsala University, Uppsala; Region Dalarna, Dalarna; Centre for Clinical Research, Dalarna.
    Wallin, Lars
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing. Centre for Clinical Research, Dalarna.
    Winblad, Ulrika
    Uppsala University, Uppsala.
    Fredriksson, Mio
    Uppsala University, Uppsala.
    Implementing a Decommissioning Programme in Swedish Healthcare: Experiences of Healthcare Managers.2024In: Health services insights, ISSN 1178-6329, Vol. 17, article id 11786329241299316Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Decommissioning programmes pose a substantial risk of failure compared to other change processes in healthcare. A better understanding of the challenges associated with change processes initiated by resource scarcity faced by healthcare managers is crucial. This study describes and compares department and unit managers' experiences during the implementation of a large-scale decommissioning programme in a Swedish region. A survey was developed and a cross-sectional study was performed, measuring 172 healthcare managers' experiences of (1) the region's leadership, (2) their own participation and (3) their own commitment and responsibility during the implementation of the decommissioning programme. Respondents were 50 department managers and 122 unit managers (93% and 58% response rate, respectively). There was a significant difference between department and unit managers in their experiences of the region's leadership and their own participation in the decommissioning programme. Unit managers were more dissatisfied with the way it developed compared to department managers. For example, unit managers reported a lower level of leadership support, incentives to participate, and that their knowledge and skills were not fully utilised. Involvement of unit managers in a more fruitful way might enhance the results of decommissioning programmes. This study highlights a key actor in this context: the unit manager.

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  • Fridolfsson, Marie
    et al.
    Högskolan Dalarna, Falun.
    Olsson, Anna
    Högskolan Dalarna, Falun.
    Ericson, Jenny
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    Borneskog, Catrin
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Sexual Reproductive Perinatal Health.
    An emotionally loaded subject - parents experiences when CHC-nurses introduce a conversation related to their child being overweight.2024In: BMC Public Health, E-ISSN 1471-2458, Vol. 24, no 1, article id 3229Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    BACKGROUND: Children with a raised BMI are a major public health challenge in the world that can cause serious consequences for children's physical and mental health. Child health care nurses' responsibility is to promote health and prevent ill-health in children, but because being overweight is stigmatized CHC-nurses find it difficult to talk to the parents about concerns over the children's weight, in fear of losing their trust.

    AIM: The purpose of this study was to describe parents' experiences of when CHC-nurses introduce a conversation related to their child being overweight.

    METHOD: This study was conducted via semi-structured interviews with nine parents and the data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.

    RESULTS: The result showed that being overweight in childhood is a sensitive topic, and this is presented as four categories A hard time coping, A desire to protect the Children, Changes of Parental Perspective and Trust - a mediating factor. This is a sensitive topic for the parents, who have a hard time accepting the situation and place the blame on themselves, and the nurse's approach and relationship with the parents is of great importance for the outcome of the conversation.

    CONCLUSIONS: Parents seem to have another perspective on health and weight than the healthcare providers, and both parents and CHC-nurses might benefit from an increased understanding of one another's view. Parents need to gain knowledge about how healthcare providers assess children's growth, and the CHC-nurses need to be aware about how to be responsive to the parents and allow them time to process the information. The focus should be on healthy lifestyle choices regardless of weight.

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  • Ericsson, Christoffer R
    et al.
    University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, FI; Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland, FI.
    Lindström, Veronica
    Region of Västerbotten, Umeå University, Umeå; Sophiahemmet University, Stockholm.
    Rudman, Ann
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Nordquist, Hilla
    University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, FI; South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Kotka, Finland, FI.
    "It's about making a difference": Interplay of professional value formation and sense of coherence in newly graduated Finnish paramedics2024In: International Emergency Nursing, ISSN 1755-599X, E-ISSN 1878-013X, Vol. 77, article id 101541Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • Jacobsen, Amanda
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Care Sciences. Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing. Örebro Universitet, Örebro.
    Tistad, Malin
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Bergström, Anna
    Region Stockholm, Stockholm; Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Hörberg, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    Wallin, Lars
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    Rantala, Andreas
    Lund University, Lund; Region Skåne, Helsingborg; Centre of Interprofessional Cooperation within Emergency Care (CICE), Växjö.
    What is person-centred care in Swedish ambulance service?: A qualitative exploratory study2024In: International Emergency Nursing, ISSN 1755-599X, E-ISSN 1878-013X, Vol. 77, article id 101529Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Introduction: Healthcare in Sweden is moving towards a more person-centred approach in which patients are respected as capable individuals with unique needs. Partnership, the co-creation of health plans, and documentation are core components of this approach. The ambulance service is medical- and task-oriented, possibly placing it in conflict with the goals of person-centred care (PCC).

    Aim: To explore how nurses in the Swedish ambulance service describe PCC.

    Method: A qualitative interview study with eight nurses who served as facilitators for implementing ambulance PCC. Data was analysed using content analysis.

    Findings: The analysis resulted in the main category Ambulance PCC is diffuse but applicable and in the three categories: Do good based on an ethical approach, Assemble the patient's narrative from multiple sources and Create and agree on a plan.

    Conclusion: Ambulance PCC is perceived as a diffuse concept, with unclear translation into practice. The findings highlight the need to determine appropriate levels of care, manage technical equipment without disrupting communication and embody attributes such as calmness and empathy. Despite its ambiguity, ambulance PCC was seen as applicable across all care stages, although requiring adjustments based on urgency, individual circumstances and care setting.

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  • Sjöberg, Veronica
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science.
    Monnier, Andreas
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet; Military Academy Karlberg, Swedish Armed Forces, Solna.
    Tseli, Elena
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet.
    Lo Martire, Riccardo
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. The Administration of Regional Board, Department of Research and Higher Education, Falun.
    Hagströmer, Maria
    Karolinska Institutet.
    Björk, Mathilda
    Linköpings universitet.
    Äng, Björn
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet; The Administration of Regional Board, Department of Research and Higher Education, Falun; Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Thessaly, Trikala, Greece.
    Vixner, Linda
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science.
    Feasibility and acceptability of design and conduct of a registry-based randomised clinical trial evaluating eVIS as a digital support for physical activity in interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation programs: A randomised pilot study2024In: Digital Health, ISSN 2055-2076, Vol. 10Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    Patients with chronic pain often struggle to engage in physical activity despite its health benefits. The eVISualisation of physical activity and pain intervention (eVIS) was developed to support adherence to physical activity plans in Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation Programs (IPRPs) by visualising activity, pain levels, pain interference, and pharmacological use. This pilot study assesses the feasibility and acceptability of trial design and trial conduct of a registry-based randomised clinical trial (R-RCT).


    This randomised clinical pilot study included the first 10% (n = 39, mean age 43.5, 74.4% females) of the R-RCT sample (n≈400). Participants with non-cancer chronic pain from six IPRP units were randomly assigned to either the intervention group (IPRP + eVIS, n = 19) or the control group (IPRP, n = 20). Feasibility and acceptability were evaluated using pre-defined criteria on recruitment- and data collection procedures (e.g., inclusion rates, representativeness, adverse events), physiotherapists’ ratings of trial design and conduct (e.g., acceptability, feasibility), and outcome data characteristics and completeness (e.g., adherence, data accessibility).


    Recruitment was largely feasible, though attrition differences and the need for refined eligibility screening were noted. Physiotherapists cited time and implementation challenges. Both groups had satisfactory data completeness, but the control group showed lower adherence to daily reporting in the final third of the study. The intervention group had greater improvements in physical health, with 19.5% more participants achieving the minimum clinically important difference (≥3) on the physical component summary scale (PCS). No adverse events occurred.


    With minor adjustments, the R-RCT design is mostly feasible, though some challenges to feasibility were identified and addressed.

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  • Nordin, Susanna
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    Elf, Marie
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    McKee, Kevin
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Social Work.
    Boendemiljöer för äldre inom ordinärt boende: Vad har betydelse för personen?2024Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Idag bor många äldre personer kvar i sin bostad trots omfattande hälsoproblem i form av fysiska och kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar och långvariga sjukdomstillstånd. Miljöns utformning har potential att stödja personer med skör hälsa och således krävs fungerande boendemiljöer som är anpassade till äldre personers behov och skapar förutsättningar att leva ett gott liv. Mot denna bakgrund ville vi undersöka miljömässiga aspekter av betydelse för äldre personer och deras aktiviteter i boendemiljön. För att få en heltäckande bild av äldres boendemiljöer tillämpades olika metoder. Data har använts från SWEOLD Dalarna, en databas som fångar ett brett spektrum av levnadsvillkor för äldre personer. I SWEOLD-urvalet ingick drygt 400 personer där medelåldern var 82 år. Vidare har en mindre grupp äldre personer med hemtjänst deltagit där data har insamlats med intervjuer, observationer, aktivitetsdagböcker, frågeformulär och GPS-sändare. I den gruppen ingick 20 personer där medelåldern var 87 år. För att få ett bredare perspektiv kring äldres boendemiljöer har även hemtjänstpersonal och anhöriga till personer med hemtjänst deltagit.

    Några av resultaten visade att boendemiljön kunde relateras till en känsla av gemenskap, trygghet och tillhörighet. Äldre personer hade rutiner i vardagen i form av aktiviteter i och utanför bostaden och det var av central betydelse att känna sig självständig i det dagliga livet trots hälsoproblem och försämrad funktionsförmåga. Miljöhinder förekom i samtliga bostäder både utomhus, vid entréer och inomhus, något som kunde begränsa äldre personers mobilitet och delaktighet. Av resultaten framkom även könsskillnader där kvinnor i jämförelse med män uppgav sämre mobilitet, använde hjälpmedel i större utsträckning och upplevde fler tillgänglighetshinder. Sammantaget framkom att boendemiljöns utformning har stor påverkan på äldre i deras vardag, inte minst vad gäller förutsättningar för socialt umgänge där bostadens inomhusmiljö, utomhusmiljö och närliggande omgivning måste vara tillgänglig och användbar.

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  • Norlund Shaswar, Annika
    et al.
    Ljung Egeland, Birgitta
    Rosén, Jenny
    Wedin, Åsa
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish as Second Language.
    (Im)mobility, literacies and second language education for adults and adolescents with limited previous education2024In: Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, ISSN 1457-9863, Vol. 18, no 2, p. 1-6Article in journal (Other academic)
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  • Anckar, Carsten
    et al.
    Åbo Akademi.
    Sedelius, Thomas
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Political Science.
    Cohabitation and presidential powers: A global examination of dual executives 1850–20222024In: International Political Science Review, ISSN 0192-5121, E-ISSN 1460-373XArticle in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The French term ‘cohabitation’ is commonly used to describe situations in semi-presidential systems where the prime minister and the president represent different political parties. The present contribution sets out to test to what extent cohabitation affects the powers of the president both in dual executives with popularly elected presidents and in systems with indirectly elected presidents. The purpose is also to assess to what extent the relationship between cohabitation and presidential powers is affected by whether cohabitation is broadly or narrowly defined. Empirically, the study is extensive in time and space. The research population consists of all democratic republics with a separate president and prime minister during the time period 1850–2022. The results show that presidential powers are reduced in times of cohabitation, but this relationship is detected primarily in semi-presidential systems with popularly elected presidents and when cohabitation is broadly defined.

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  • Nordin, Susanna
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing.
    Liljegren, Madeleine
    Institution of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Department of Building Design, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg.
    Nilsson, Martin
    Health and Social Care Administration for the Elderly, City of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.
    Bengtsson, Anna
    Department of People and Society, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp.
    Wijk, Helle
    Institution of Health and Care Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Department of Building Design, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg; Department of Quality Strategies Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg.
    Outdoor stays-A basic human need except for older adults in residential care facilities? Researcher-practitioner interaction crosses zones and shows the way out2024In: Frontiers in Dementia, E-ISSN 2813-3919, Vol. 3, article id 1470691Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this discussion paper is to show the way to the outdoors by shedding light on conditions in the physical environment enabling outdoor stays for older adults living in residential care facilities (RCFs). The origin was that outdoor stays is a basic human need and applies to everyone. However, despite extensive research on the health-promoting values of contact with the outdoors, it seems that for older adults in RCFs this is not met because they often have difficulty getting outdoors on their own. Therefore, the access to and the conditions of outdoor environments are discussed and exemplified through two cases based on evidence-based approaches, namely the principal model of four zones of contact with the outdoors, and the Swedish version of the Sheffield Care Environment Assessment Matrix (S-SCEAM). An interdisciplinary team, including both researchers and practitioners highlights future directions by showing the way to the outdoors on a national level with six suggested points. As a reader, you will gain increased knowledge about environmental qualities that support outdoor stays as well as initiatives that are needed to achieve equal conditions related to outdoor stays in RCFs.

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  • Balducci, Francesco
    et al.
    Centre for Biostatistics and Applied Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology, Italian National Research Center on Aging (IRCCS INRCA), Ancona and Cosenza, Ancona, Italy, IT.
    Di Rosa, Mirko
    Centre for Biostatistics and Applied Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology, Italian National Research Center on Aging (IRCCS INRCA), Ancona and Cosenza, Ancona, Italy, IT.
    Roller-Wirnsberger, Regina
    Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, AT.
    Wirnsberger, Gerhard
    Department of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, AT.
    Mattace-Raso, Francesco
    Section of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, NL.
    Tap, Lisanne
    Section of Geriatric Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, NL.
    Formiga, Francesc
    Geriatric Unit, Internal Medicine Department and Nephrology Department, Bellvitge University Hospital, IDIBELL, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, ES.
    Moreno-González, Rafael
    Geriatric Unit, Internal Medicine Department and Nephrology Department, Bellvitge University Hospital, IDIBELL, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain, ES.
    Kostka, Tomasz
    Department of Geriatrics, Healthy Ageing Research Centre, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, PL.
    Guligowska, Agnieszka
    Department of Geriatrics, Healthy Ageing Research Centre, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, PL.
    Artzi-Medvedik, Rada
    The Recanati School for Community Health Professions at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, IL; Maccabi Healthcare Services, Southern Region, Tel Aviv, Israel, IL.
    Melzer, Itshak
    The Recanati School for Community Health Professions at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheba, Israel, IL.
    Weingart, Christian
    Department of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg and Institute for Biomedicine of Aging, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, DE.
    Sieber, Cornel
    Department of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg and Institute for Biomedicine of Aging, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, DE.
    Ärnlöv, Johan
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Medical Science. Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Carlsson, Axel C
    Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Lattanzio, Fabrizia
    Centre for Biostatistics and Applied Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology, Italian National Research Center on Aging (IRCCS INRCA), Ancona and Cosenza, Ancona, Italy, IT.
    Corsonello, Andrea
    Centre for Biostatistics and Applied Geriatric Clinical Epidemiology, Italian National Research Center on Aging (IRCCS INRCA), Ancona and Cosenza, Ancona, Italy, IT; Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy, IT.
    Healthcare costs in relation to kidney function among older people: the SCOPE study2024In: European Geriatric Medicine, ISSN 1878-7649, E-ISSN 1878-7657Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    PURPOSE: In this study, a comprehensive analysis of costs of chronic kidney disease (CKD) was performed, to understand factors associated with the economic burden of the disease in a multicentre international framework.

    METHODS: The impact on costs of demographics, socio-economics, clinical, and functional variables was tested in 2204 subjects aged 75 years or more attending outpatient clinics in Europe using a multicentre 2-year prospective cohort study. By means of collected resources consumption and unit cost data a comprehensive cost database was built and then investigated using multilevel regression modeling.

    RESULTS: Overall, hospitalization, medications and specialist visits were the main cost items, with a notable variability among countries. Estimated yearly costs were 4478€ ± 9804€, rising up to 6683€ ± 10,953€ for subjects with estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) < 30. Costs increased significantly according to the severity of the disease, gender and age. Clinical and functional covariates were also significantly associated with CKD-related total costs, even after correcting for the inter-country variability.

    CONCLUSION: Findings corroborate the importance of multidimensional assessment of participants with CKD, as multimorbidity and functional disability produce a detrimental impact on participant's prognosis and cost of care. Preservation of functional impairment and adequate management of comorbidities may thus help decreasing the overall consumption on health care resources in CKD patients, especially in older people.

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  • Bogren, Malin
    et al.
    Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg.
    Nkeshimana, Menelas
    Ministry of Health, Health Workforce Development Department, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Nzabahimana, Innocent
    Ministry of Health, Health Workforce Development Department, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Temple, Frida
    Institute of Health and Care Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg; United Nations Population Fund, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Iryanyawera, Marie Claire
    United Nations Population Fund, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Uwimana, Jean de Dieu
    Directorate of Teaching and Learning Enhancement, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Tallarico, Renata
    United Nations Population Fund, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Adelakin, Olugbemiga
    United Nations Population Fund, Kigali, Rwanda, RW.
    Erlandsson, Kerstin
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Sexual Reproductive Perinatal Health.
    Rwanda's success in advancing midwifery education: a blueprint of a sustainable, nationally driven curriculum standardization2024In: Global Health Action, ISSN 1654-9716, E-ISSN 1654-9880, Vol. 17, no 1, article id 2427467Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) defines and sets the Essential Competencies for Midwifery Practice and provides a framework for developing and reviewing midwifery curricula. This framework ensures that pre-service midwifery education designed for students leads to the demonstration of the required midwifery specific competencies. The development of the ICM competencies in 2024 confirms the timeliness of the effort of Rwanda to update its national curricula. This commentary showcases the blueprint followed by Rwanda to standardize and culturally adapt its midwifery curricula at diploma, bachelor and master's level to be competency-based and aligned with ICM. National ownership played a pivotal role in the standardization process, as the direction, priorities, and implementation of the curricula review initiative were driven by the country's own government, higher learning institutes, national midwifery association and other national organizations. Rwanda's experience in aligning its national curricula with international standards could serve as a model for south-south cooperation.

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  • Lindgren, Helena
    et al.
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm; Sophiahemmet University, Stockholm.
    Erlandsson, Kerstin
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Sexual Reproductive Perinatal Health. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Berta, Marta
    Department of Women and Family Health, School of Midwifery, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia, ET.
    Yimer, Osman
    Department of Midwifery, College of Health Science, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, ET.
    Blomgren, Johanna
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Lundberg, Christina
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Dilnesa, Tenagnework
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Wells, Michael
    Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm.
    Hailemeskel, Solomon
    Department of Midwifery, College of Health Science, Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, ET.
    The understanding of dynamic birth positions for women in labor and childbirth - A hybrid concept analysis2024In: Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare, ISSN 1877-5756, E-ISSN 1877-5764, Vol. 42, article id 101039Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    PROBLEM AND BACKGROUND: The assessment of advantages and drawbacks associated with varying birthing positions has predominantly centered around medical or technical considerations and few studies have accounted for a woman's ability to attune to her bodily instincts during labor and birth. The objective of this study was to define the concept of dynamic birth positions and its significance within the birthing process.

    METHODS: This hybrid concept analysis consisted of three phases: theoretical, fieldwork, and analytical. Science Direct, PubMed and Google Scholar were searched with related terms in the theoretical phase. In the fieldwork phase, seven professionals and six mothers with the experience of dynamic birth positions were interviewed. After each interview, qualitative content analysis was conducted. During the final phase, descriptions and themes from the first two phases were combined.

    RESULTS: In the theoretical phase, the definition of dynamic birth positions included descriptions answering the Who, What, When, Where, and Why questions. In the fieldwork phase, the results present two distinct categories that define dynamic birth positions: "Women's choice, women's power" and "A flow between rest and activity." The final analysis phase of this study indicated that dynamic birth positioning is characterized by the organic progression through a variety of postures that seamlessly merge rest and activity throughout the labor and birthing process, guided by the woman's individual preferences.

    CONCLUSIONS: The definition of dynamic birth positions redefines birth as an evolving, dynamic journey characterized by a fluid interplay of movements and moments of rest, transcending conventional fixation on static positions.

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  • Åberg, Jenny
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Political Science.
    Denk, Thomas
    Örebro Universitet, Örebro.
    Democracy as a cause of semi-presidential regimes: On reverse causality between democracy and semi-presidential establishment2024In: International Political Science Review, ISSN 0192-5121, E-ISSN 1460-373XArticle in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article re-examines the relationship between democracy and semi-presidential regimes. While numerous scholars have traced the effects of semi-presidential regimes on democracy, few have addressed the risk of reverse causality, namely, that democracy influences the establishment of semi-presidential regimes. This article uses statistical analyses to test whether the level of democracy in a country affects its choice of semi-presidential regime subtype: a premier-presidential or a president-parliamentary. Including all semi-presidential regimes from 1919 until 2015 and controlling for other conditions such as colonial legacy, the level of development and regime diffusion, our results confirm the hypothesis. The higher the level of democracy - the higher the probability of a premier-presidential regime. Our results underline that democracy is a highly influential cause of the type of semi-presidential regime chosen, a conclusion that places a question mark on the self-evident use of the semi-presidential subtypes as an independent variable.

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  • Huq, Asif M
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Microdata Analysis. University of Gävle, Gävle.
    Mohammadrezaei, Mahsa
    University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada, CA.
    A review of ex ante and ex post materiality measures, and consequences and determinants of material disclosures in sustainability reporting2024In: Journal of Accounting Literature, ISSN 0737-4607Article, review/survey (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose The purpose of the review is to synthesize the research on materiality measures of sustainability reporting and highlight how preparers, users, auditors, regulators and other stakeholders assess or determine the materiality in sustainability reporting. The review further summarizes the findings on consequences and determinants of material disclosures in sustainability reporting. Several directions for future research are also discussed.

    Design/methodology/approach This study provides a systematic review of materiality measures developed in the context of sustainability reporting. This synthesis of the literature summarizes the existing methodologies of measuring materiality. It also evaluates the strength and limitations of existing methods and approaches of measuring materiality in sustainability disclosures.

    Findings We find that the ex post materiality measures are simplistic and unidirectional in nature and ex ante materiality measures lack external validity and are generally narrow in focus - for example, focused on single firms or industries. Another major limitation in the current literature is the absence of robust empirical investigation of double materiality in sustainability reporting and a vast majority of the measures are developed without stakeholder engagement. Lastly, we document that the findings on determinants of material disclosure are fragmented and inconclusive and that the literature on consequences of material disclosure is rather un-explored.

    Originality/value The study explains the connections and differences between the various materiality measures. We document that materiality is measured in two distinct ways, ex ante and ex post and often times without stakeholder engagement. Moreover, given that a vast majority of the measures rely on manual content analysis, we find that they suffer from reproducibility and scalability.

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  • Evans, Paul
    et al.
    Dalarna University, Verksamhetsstödet.
    Jörgensen, Tanja
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Sound and Music Production.
    Fredriksson, Daniel
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Sound and Music Production.
    Lindell, Rikard
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Sound and Music Production. Malardalen University, Vasteras.
    Evangistrum: a cooperative audiovisual instrument informed by resonance theory2024In: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH INTERNATIONAL AUDIO MOSTLY CONFERENCE, AM 2024 / [ed] Luca Andrea Ludovico; Davide Andrea Mauro, New York, NY, United States, 2024, p. 37-42Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Through the design process of a cooperative audiovisual musical instrument, the Evangistrum, we explored users' sense of resonance and agency in relation to technology. The instrument's aim was to promote collaboration, have strong audiovisual congruence and to be intuitive to use while allowing for more complex levels of expression. Using Hartmut Rosa's theory on resonance as a philosophical framework, we explored how cooperation and a sense of agency can be encouraged within an audiovisual musical instrument, and how the interplay between audible, visual and tactile aspects of the instrument influenced users' cooperation and sense of agency. The design was built using Unreal Engine, controlled with commercially available midi controllers, and requires two users to operate. We tested consecutive instrument prototypes through three workshops and a concert. Through this process we gained valuable insight into the role of agency within successful creative collaboration, the complex interplay between the auditory and visual modes, the importance of mindset within collaboration and technology's potential for encouraging resonance.

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  • Lin, Jing (Janet)
    et al.
    Division of Operation and Maintenance, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden;Division of Product Realization, Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
    Shen, Jingchun
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Construction.
    Zhang, Xingxing
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Energy Technology.
    Silfvenius, Christofer
    Monolithica AB, Gustavsberg, Sweden.
    Human-centric lighting asset management for LED bulbs: a context-driven approach on prognostics and maintenance strategy development in public libraries2024In: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, ISSN 1058-9759, E-ISSN 1477-2671, p. 1-19Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Traditional asset management of lighting systems typically focuses on functionality, cost, and lifespan. In contrast, a human-centric approach prioritizes social sustainability and user well-being by ensuring lighting assets “provide the right light at the right time” for diverse activities. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, known for energy efficiency and longevity, have become a preferred choice, yet public libraries often struggle to manage these assets sustainably, remaining in a reactive “fix/replace when it breaks” stage. Current predictive methods, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, rely on laboratory data that often overlook real-world contexts, leading to performance gaps. This paper presents a context-driven, human-centric methodology for LED prognosis and maintenance strategies in public libraries, employing limited degradation data from LED testing. Advanced analytical techniques, including Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), support a shift from function-based to performance-based reliability assessment. By incorporating Mean Time of Exposure (MTOE) and Critical Integrated Levels (CILs), the approach defines optimal maintenance inspection intervals. This research enhances sustainable LED lighting management in public libraries, offering a framework adaptable to broader applications and aligned with human-centric goals.

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  • Semelius Granevald, Veronica
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work.
    Exploring factors related to special needs educators' work-related well-being in preschool settings2024In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, ISSN 0885-6257, E-ISSN 1469-591XArticle in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Special needs educators (SNEs) who work with children in need of special support (CINSS) have an important function in preschool, i.e. supporting CINSS and supporting the development of inclusive learning environments. Furthermore, they are professionals whose working conditions are demanding. That said, there is little research on their well-being. The present cross-sectional study aims to investigate associations between a work-related sense of coherence (Work-SoC), resources and demands, and contextual factors in relation to SNEs' work with CINSS. Randomly selected SNEs (N = 42) from Swedish preschools completed a web survey. Spearman's rho correlation analyses showed that Work-SoC (i.e. comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness at work) was positively related to job resources and negatively to demands yet unrelated to contextual factors. In contrast, contextual factors were related to job resources. Additionally, self-perceived control was statistically speaking significantly related to many variables (e.g. job demands, Work-SoC, collaboration with preschools, continuous evaluation of support measures, and access to co-workers from other professions). The study underscores the importance of supportive work environments; systematic quality practices within the organisation, and collaboration for SNEs in their work with CINSS and in the development of inclusive learning environments.

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  • Boljang, Fanny
    Sång och drama i engelskundervisning: En intervjustudie om lärares attityder till användningen av drama och sång i engelskundervisningen2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The study aimed to investigate the attitudes of teachers in grades 4–6 toward the use of song and drama in English language teaching, as well as the factors influencing these attitudes. To gather data for the study, six teachers in Sweden were interviewed. The teachers’ attitudes and experiences were studied using the interview method, which allowed for a deeper understanding of their thoughts and experiences. In the analysis, the perspective of teacher cognition was used to analyze the data. Firstly, the study shows that teachers' education, experience, knowledge, and contextual factors, such as access to group rooms, affect whether they choose to include drama and song in English teaching. Secondly, my study shows that the teachers believed there were benefits to including song and drama in English teaching, such as the development of students' vocabulary, pronunciation, and speaking skills. The teachers in the study stated that students' motivation increases through the inclusion of these forms of expression. Finally, the study shows that the teachers experienced various disadvantages and challenges with song and drama activities in English teaching, such as high noise levels and students playing instead of engaging in learning.

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  • Mohamed, Ali
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Billström, Nicole
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Lärares uppfattning om hur extramural engelska påverkar engelskundervisning2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study examines the opportunities and challenges that teachers encounter with extramural English and how teachers perceive extramural English’s impact on pupils motivation. Through semi-structured interviews with primary teachers, the study focuses on their perception and experiences of extramural English and how they relate to it. The results of the study reveal a large variety of challenges and opportunities that the teachers face in their classroom. Some of the participating teachers had positive attitudes towards extramural English and expressed appreciation towards its positive effects. Some of the effects were increased exposure to the language, improved communication skills and enhanced motivation. The teachers also identified negative aspects of extramural English related to integrating their experiences into the classroom, formal teaching and motivation. In summary, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how teachers experience extramural English and how it is related to their level of engagement and motivation in the classroom. The findings from this study give new perspectives of language learning outside of school. This study also illustrates the importance of taking the pupil’s extramural experiences into account and integrating them to create a more meaningful learning environment.

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  • Boman, Sanne
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Tredjeklasselevers vilja att kommunicera och uppfattning av muntlig kommunikation på engelska2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Younger pupils’ relationship towards oral communication in English is often describes as unproblematic and that this relation paves the way for their linguistic self-confidence to flourish. Yet pupils’ own description of this relationship paints a much more nuanced picture. Because of this, the study has an interest in acquiringa deepened understanding of younger pupils’ perception of oral communication in English and their willingness to communicate in English. The study examines this from the pupils’ perspective with the help of a combined method of surveys and interviews. The data was collected from third grade pupils, of which 18 pupils participated in the survey and seven in the interviews. Further the empirical data has been analysed and interpreted with the help of the Willingness to communicate theory as well as The Control-Value theory. The result of the study shows that the pupils’ willingness to communicate is dependent on in which context the oral communication takes place and the pupil’s state communicative self-confident. The study also found that the teacher and the classroom climate influence how the pupil’s view their own English language competence and speaking motivation. 

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  • Yachin, Jonathan Moshe
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies.
    Visit Village: A model for cooperative place-based entrepreneurship2024Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Visit Village economic association is a Swedish cooperative venture that acts as a platform to organise and market rural tourism experiences that are grounded in meaningful encounters with locals and the unique 'sense of a place’. It is a novel approach to rural tourism designed to facilitate entrepreneurship, collaborations, and local participation. 22 The guiding premise is that a collaborative and inclusive structure can help local businesses, artisans and residents to act on opportunities, overcome challenges and adapt to changes in circumstances. Thus, the Visit Village model is a manifestation of a place-based entrepreneurial ecosystem where stakeholders interact in ways that generate value and provide access to resources and knowledge, as well as validation and support. This research follows Visit Village through its first operating season to explore if and how the cooperative model helps to create favourable conditions for local actors to engage in the production and delivery of tourism value propositions. The empirical investigation focuses on the success factors, shortcomings, experienced challenges and other practical considerations. The analysis is informed by contemporary entrepreneurship theories; Spatial Bricolage (Korsgaard et al., 2021) illustrates how entrepreneurs creatively utilise resources in their spatial context to generate value, and Civic Wealth Creation (Lumpkin& Bacq, 2019) provides a framework to study how different stakeholder group interact. The findings and conclusions of this study contribute to our understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystems in rural tourism." 

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  • Yachin, Jonathan Moshe
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies.
    From Project to Venture: Facilitating Co-Operation and Entrepreneurshipin Rural Tourism2024Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Visit Village is a newly established Swedish cooperative rural tourism venture. It is a novel approach to rural tourism development that is designed to facilitate entrepreneurship, collaboration, and local participation. The guiding notion is that an inclusive and cooperative structure promotes the responsible use of locally available resources and the creation of attractive value propositions that are grounded in the unique features of the place. The Visit Village model was developed in a project by Coompanion Dalarna, a non-profit consultancy organisation, Visit Dalarna, the regional DMO, and local actors from four Swedish villages. This study is part of ongoing research that has been closely following the Visit Village project for nearly three years. This particular paper is concerned with the process that led to the formation of this collaborative venture, and it applies the Civic Wealth Creation (CWC) theoretical framework for stakeholder engagement (Lumpkin & Bacq, 2019) to explore interactions as a means to facilitate entrepreneurship. 

    CWC is a stakeholder theory that provides a framework for studying interactions between the local community, commercial enterprises and supporting regimes (enabling organisations and the public sector) to create positive social change, economic well-being and community wealth. CWC is concerned with the entrepreneurial ecosystem and mechanisms such as resource mobilisation, collaborative innovation and engaged participation (Bailey & Lumpkin,2023). The CWC theory is particularly relevant in the context of Visit Village, considering Coompanion’s extensive role as the project’s leader and initiator and the explicit intention to involve the local community in the Visit Village enterprise. Moreover, the CWC framework can be pertinent for rural and community-based tourism research as it focuses on local processes of creating entrepreneurial communities and opportunities, developing a shared vision and the exaptation of locally available resources (Dowin Kennedy, 2021). 

    This exploratory qualitative research case study focuses on the project that led to the formation of the Visit Village venture. Close collaboration with the project’s leaders and steering committee gave me an exceptional opportunity to observe entrepreneurial processes as they happen. Since its start in January 2021, I have regularly attended many project activities, including workshops and steering group meetings. In addition, the close collaboration granted me access to project documents, meeting protocols and Coompanion’s internal review of the project. Further data and insights were collected in twelve in-depth interviews and several informal conversations with project members and other local actors.

    The analysis illustrates how such projects can facilitate tourism entrepreneurship. The project gave tourism business owners a framework for engaging with opportunities and developing new products. It involved guided work towards creatively reimagining the villages and their features as tourism experiences. Moreover, the cooperative model provides validity and a sense of responsibility, which are imperative for accessing and utilising locally available resources. Furthermore, the project framework is a network and a forum for co-learning where tourism entrepreneurs and other local actors discuss ideas and exchange experiences and expertise with other project members from different villages. The project and cooperative model also provide support and encouragement and remove barriers for locals who want to engage in tourism entrepreneurship but are not yet ready to start a business. 

    Nevertheless, the project had its challenges. A project format, especially one organised through periodic workshops with multiple stakeholders, is incompatible with entrepreneurial initiatives, which demand continuous and dedicated engagement. Likewise, the democratic and inclusive nature of the process slowed down entrepreneurial processes. However, Coompanion, the enabling organisation and project initiator, were quite successful in generating positive momentum and engagement with local entrepreneurs. Coompanion maintained its leading role throughout the project, providing structure, knowledge, balance, and coordination of activities. Concurrently, Coompanion gradually handed over the responsibility for the content and the authority to make decisions to the participants. Encouraging project members to assume ownership over the cooperative model and its development was pertinent to ensure the venture proceeds once the project ends.

    CWC is grounded in the involvement of local communities as central stakeholders. This is one aspect in which Coompanion’s project has somewhat fallen short. While all project members are from the four villages (excluding Coompanion’s project team), there was little engagement of locals who were not directly positioned to benefit from the venture commercially. This could be attributed to several reasons. First, this has been a relatively large and complex project. Presumably, accommodating many more participants would have been a real challenge. Furthermore, much of the project was about co-creating a new cooperative tourism model. Project members were reluctant to invite and involve others from their local communities before sufficiently developing the model and forming the cooperative enterprise. Nevertheless, much suggests that more local people will participate and benefit from future Visit Village activities. The cooperative enterprise is open to new members, integrated into existing local associations, and guided by an explicit appreciation of the place and its people.


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  • Larsson, Maria
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work.
    Bland kritiker och entusiaster: Den lokala kontextens betydelse för svensklärares möte med ett nytt nationellt prov på gymnasiet2024In: Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, E-ISSN 2464-1596, Vol. 10, no 3, p. 132-149Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish reform for upper-secondary school of 2011 brought about a new curriculum and an increase in national testing. In the subject of Swedish a new national test, consisting of a reading comprehension test as well as testing of oral and writing skills, was introduced in the first year of upper-secondary school. To carry out a national test as early as in the fist year and to test students’ reading comprehension was something new at upper-secondary school, bringing about an altered work task for teachers of Swedish. The aim of this study is to contribute knowledge about how the local context, that is the pre-conditions for individual schools and teachers, play a role in how teachers handle an altered work task in the form of a new national test. The research questions focus on what policy positions the teachers take in relation to a new national test in the L1-subject Swedish at upper-secondary school and how the teachers’ attitudes towards to the test relate to four contextual dimensions. The study draws on qualitative data from pair and group interviews with fifteen teachers of Swedish in upper-secondary school, and the theoretical framework consists of policy enactment.

    The findings indicate that the contextual dimensions are significant for how the teachers position themselves in relation to the national test. The teachers who feel well prepared for their altered work task and have students that are described as high performing students have a more positive attitude to the test, compared to the teachers who feel they were not given opportunity to prepare for the altered work task and who have students who, to a larger extent, struggle with their reading. The results also show a difference between schools concerning resources and organisation in connection with the national tests, and they also point to the importance of distinct constructive alignment between a national test and all parts of the curriculum for teachers to prioritise the test as intended.

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  • Margaryan, Lusine
    et al.
    Yachin, Jonathan Moshe
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies. Mittuniversitetet.
    Lexhagen, Maria
    Ioannides, Dimitri
    Pechsiri, Joseph
    Nudging: Hur besöksnäringen kan uppmuntra till ett mer hållbart beteende2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Att begränsa turismens klimatpåverkan har blivit en av besöksnäringens främsta hållbarhetsutmaningar, såväl lokalt som globalt. Näringen har en viktig roll att spela för ett mer hållbart samhälle. I projektet Klimatsmarta lösningar genom samhällsvetenskapligt experiment har forskare vid Mittuniversitetet studerat landsbygds- och naturbaserade turismentreprenörer som vill minska sina klimatavtryck. I ett unikt labb experiment har de undersökt möjligheten att påverka besökares attityder och beteenden i mer miljövänlig riktning på både kort och lång sikt. I två delstudier med metoderna nudging och livscykelanalys (LCA) har forskarna studerat om det är möjligt att stimulera ett mer klimatvänligt beteende på turistplatser.

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  • Fredriksson, Maria
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work. University of Stavanger, Norway.
    Hoel, Trude
    University of Stavanger, Norway.
    Jernes, Margrethe
    University of Stavanger, Norway.
    Positive Factors Facilitating Collaboration Between Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions, and Multilingual Parents: A Protocol for a Systematic Review and Thematic Synthesis2023In: Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education, E-ISSN 2704-1883, Vol. 1, p. 30-46Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This protocol presents the planned and upcoming work for a systematic review of the topic positive factors facilitating cooperation between early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions, and multilingual parents. The number of children with a foreign background, both in Scandinavia and internationally, has increased during recent decades. These children are often exposed to more than one language on a daily basis. Earlier research has established that collaboration between ECEC institutions and parents is a vital factor in children’s development, learning, and school success. This is especially the case for multilingual children with a foreign background. This protocol discusses research-based knowledge in relation to this collaboration, and identifies a knowledge gap regarding up-to-date research on the positive factors enabling collaboration between ECEC institutions and multilingual parents. The aim of the planned systematic review is to contribute a scientifically based overview of knowledge about the positive factors facilitating collaboration between ECEC institutions and multilingual parents. The choice of methods for conducting this systematic review is stated and described in the presented protocol.

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  • Waleghwa, Beatrice
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Tourism Studies. The Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden.
    Ioannides, Dimitri
    The Department of Economics, Geography, Law and Tourism Mid Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden.
    “Everyone Wants to Drive There”: Challenges to Transport Sustainability in Rural Tourism Destinations2024In: The international journal of tourism research, ISSN 1099-2340, E-ISSN 1522-1970, Vol. 26, no 6, article id e2810Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Understanding transport challenges is inevitable for transitioning to a low-carbon rural tourism future. Using social representation theory, this study examines how tourism and transport practitioners perceive transport challenges in rural destinations and how they overcome these problems. The multi-method qualitative approach adopted involves semi-structured interviews with practitioners, participant observation, and document analysis in the Swedish destinations of Åre and Sälen. Findings reveal social representations of transport challenges at both destinations, namely, “a car-dependent society”, a “non-desirable transport future” and “wicked transport problems”. Practitioners in these places address these challenges in several ways. Surprisingly, one solution is to promote flying to the destinations. This particular solution, not to mention the destinations' overreliance on private automobile use illustrates that they have not yet begun transitioning to a low carbon transport future. This situation highlights the urgency to encourage sustainable mobility development to and within these destinations.

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  • Olsson, Isabell
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Drama som metod för språkinlärning i engelskundervisning för årskurs 1–32024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Primary school teachers who teach English play a crucial role in creating a stimulating and encouraging environment for students’ English language development. This can be achieved through various forms of expression in teaching. The Swedish National Agency for Education considers drama as an underutilised yet effective method for language learning. This study examined the perceptions of practising teachers in grades 1–3 regarding drama as a method and how teachers describe the impact of drama on pupils' language learning when applied in teaching. The study used a triangulation method, where six semi-structured interviews were conducted along with a survey. The study’s results were analysed through a thematic analysis, informed by the sociocultural and pragmatic theory. Results show that the majority of teachers perceive drama as a language-promoting method in pupils' development of English and as away to increase pupil participation and engagement. However, several obstacles were highlighted, including lack of time, insufficient resources, and pupils' discomfort with performing drama. The study highlights drama's potential in enhancing language skills, particulary oral proficiency, reading, and writing. It also addresses the factors that may hinder or foster the implementation of drama in English teaching. 

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  • Persson, Jenny
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education.
    Muntlig kommunikation i engelska läroböcker för årskurs 4–6: En analys av frekvens, uppgiftstyper och progression2024Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the opportunities for oral communication in English textbooks for grades 4-6. This study explores how the different types of communicative tasks are presented and how the development of these tasks is supported throughout the textbook series. The study is based on a content analysis of the textbooks Champ 4, Champ 5 and Champ 6, where oral communicative tasks have been categorized into six different types. The analysis has been carried out using a framework based on socio-cultural theory, with a focus on the concepts of scaffolding and the zone of proximal development. The results indicate that dialogic and monologic tasks as well as interactive tasks are the most common in the textbooks. Problem-based tasks and interactive tasks become more prominent in Year 5 and 6 books, reflecting a shift towards more creative and productive language use. The study shows that the textbooks offer a variety of tasks that support oral communication, but there is potential for further development. The textbooks need to develop tasks at higher levels with more creative and productive elements so that students can take further steps in their development for increasingly independent language use. 

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  • Lundberg, Erik
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Political Science. Center for Civil Society Research, Marie Cederschiöld University, Stockholm.
    Abdelzadeh, Ali
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, Political Science.
    The role of youth extracurricular activities and political intentions in later political participation and civic engagement2024In: Journal of Adolescence, ISSN 0140-1971, E-ISSN 1095-9254Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]


    Current literature recognizes that various socialization agents often shape political behavior. This study employs frameworks of political socialization and political agency to explore how extracurricular activities and political intentions established at age 16 influence aspects of political participation and civic engagement at age 20.


    A 4-year longitudinal study was conducted using a community-based sample of 933 adolescents from a medium-sized Swedish city with a population of approximately 135,000. Data were collected in 2010 and 2014, allowing for an analysis of the impact of extracurricular activities and political intentions developed during adolescence on later political and civic behaviors. The analytical sample comprised 933 individuals (50.8% females; mean age = 16.62, SD = 0.71).


    The analysis revealed that participation in extracurricular activities at age 16 is a significant predictor of offline political participation at age 20. However, no significant associations were found between these activities and other forms of participation, such as illegal behaviors or broader civic engagement. Political intentions at age 16 also significantly predicted offline political participation at age 20.


    The findings highlight the pivotal roles of both socialization agents and individual factors related to youth political agency in shaping political trajectories during adolescence. Understanding the effects of extracurricular activities and political intentions on political participation and civic engagement can aid policymakers and educators in developing strategies to foster active citizenship among young people.

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  • Zalakeviciute, Rasa
    et al.
    Grupo de Biodiversidad Medio Ambiente y Salud (BIOMAS), Universidad de Las Américas UDLA, Quito, Ecuador, EC.
    Diaz, Valeria
    Secretaría de Ambiente del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Quito, Ecuador, EC.
    Rybarczyk, Yves
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering, Microdata Analysis.
    Impact of City-Wide Diesel Generator Use on Air Quality in Quito, Ecuador, during a Nationwide Electricity Crisis2024In: Atmosphere, E-ISSN 2073-4433, Vol. 15, no 10, article id 1192Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    As climate change intensifies and 2023 sets the record for the hottest year, the Amazonian region faces severe drought, leading to a hydroelectricity crisis. This study examines the effects of using environmentally harmful backup power solutions, which are all too common in developing countries-specifically, diesel-powered generators-on urban air quality in Quito, Ecuador, during the hydroelectric crisis of 2023/2024. The impact of the blackouts on air pollution is assessed by comparing it to a reference period before the crisis and to an earlier year with similar weather conditions. The findings indicate that extended blackouts (up to 8 h per day) considerably increased concentrations of SO2 (180%), CO (43%), NO2 (39%), and PM2.5 (20%) compared to 'normal' conditions. Conversely, O3 pollution levels decreased (-6%). Our findings suggest potential respiratory and cardiovascular health risks for the urban population, highlighting the urgent need for improved energy infrastructure and cleaner backup power solutions in the developing world. Addressing these challenges is critical for ensuring a healthier and more sustainable urban future amidst climate change projections.

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  • Kouhia, Jonathan
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering.
    Utveckling av dörrkarm med förbättrad ljudisolering2024Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Hedemora industriakustik (HIAK) är ett företag som utvecklar produkter rörande ljudisolering och bullerdämpning. De säljer bland annat ljuddörrar som de i dagsläget anser inte är lika konkurrenskraftiga som förr då det finns andra dörrar som är bättre. De vill därför utveckla sina dörrar så att de blir bättre på att reducera ljud. Genom tester kom de fram till att en del av dörren som släppte igenom mest ljud var karmen. De ville därför undersöka hur karmens konstruktion kan förändras för att den ska prestera bättre. Detta arbete handlar därför om konceptframtagning av dörrkarmar som potentiellt kan vara bättre än den nuvarande karmen.


    -Endast en dörrkarm i stål till en enkeldörr med ytterkarmmått 11x21 modulmått kommer att undersökas.

    -Ingen produktion av koncepten kommer att utföras men möjligheter av tillverkning kommer att övervägas.

    Innan arbetet började utfördes en sökning efter information som kunde vara användbar för arbetet. Arbetet inleddes sedan med den produktutvecklingsmetodik som Ulrich och Eppinger har skrivit om och övrig teori användes som grund för beslutsfattande. De steg som använts från denna metodik är definiering av kundkrav, produktspecifikationer, konceptgenerering och val av koncept.

    Slutresultatet från detta blev två koncept. Dessa koncept modellerades upp med SolidWorks Student edition 2022. CAD-modellerna visades för handledare på företaget (HIAK) som gav respons på hur de tyckte att de kunde förbättras eller ändras. CAD-modellerna uppdaterades efter responsen och enklare FEM-analyser utfördes om konceptens förmåga att hålla upp dörren utan att deformeras plastiskt. Slutsatsen blev att koncepten har potential för att vara bättre än den nuvarande dörrkarmen men vidare arbete behöver utföras för att detta ska vara bekräftat såsom akustiska beräkningar eller labbtester.

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  • Domingos, Araújo
    et al.
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Faculty of Cultural Studies, Superior Institute of Arts and Culture (ISArC), Mozambique, MZ.
    Wormbs, Nina
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.
    Lundberg, Urban
    Dalarna University, School of Culture and Society, History.
    Framing HIV and AIDS in competitive authoritarian democracies. Case study of the print press in Mozambique, 1986-20202024In: African Journal of AIDS Research, ISSN 1608-5906, E-ISSN 1727-9445Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Mozambique has the sixth highest prevalence of HIV in the world and ranks fourth in new infections. The government-owned print press Notícias has played an important role in the social construction of HIV and AIDS in the country as it was entrusted with the role of disseminating HIV and AIDS information to the public since the outbreak of the pandemic in the country in 1986. Using Notícias' articles and frame analysis perspective, the article analyses the way Notícias has framed HIV and AIDS in the country since the late 1980s. The choice of media results from the fact that the way a phenomenon is constructed influences the way it is understood, as well as the way people may behave before it. The study found that Notícias' frames on HIV and AIDS have suffered from a threefold tension: the need to maintain the Frelimo government's former centralised and grassroots-orientated socialist ideology of health services in the context of the liberal market; the need to balance the influence of the global multilateral and bilateral actors and the Frelimo government's political interest of translating HIV and AIDS response to the Mozambican context; and the need to portray a nationalist and positive image of the government's performance in HIV and AIDS response before Mozambique's non-fully plausible societal practices for an effective HIV and AIDS response. In a top-down approach, Notícias' frames reflect not only the African post-independence ancillary and nationalist role of government-owned print press but also the power of global actors. Less is done from the societal bottom-up perspective.

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  • Swarén, Mikael
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Sport and Health Science.
    Fahlstedt, Madelen
    Using impact monitoring mouthguards to measure head impact exposure in elite ice hockey2024In: JSAMS Plus, ISSN 2772-6967, Vol. 4, article id 100069Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: Even though women's ice hockey does not permit deliberate checking between players, female players are at similar or even higher risk to sustain concussions, as male players. Several studies have investigated head impacts in ice hockey, however to the best of the authors' knowledge, no previous study has used impact monitoring mouthguards to investigate head impact exposure among professional female ice hockey players. Methods: Impact monitoring mouthguards were used to collect head impact data during games in the Swedish Women's Hockey League and in the men's Swedish J20 SuperElite League in 2020. Results: Female players had significantly higher median linear accelerations than male players (26 [19–35] g, vs. 7 [5–9] g, p ​< ​0.001, d ​= ​1.98). Female players had significant higher median rotational accelerations compared to male players (3076 [2314–4243] rad/s2 vs. 430 [281–752] rad/s2, p ​< ​0.001, d ​= ​2.398). There were no notable variances in impact distribution by location for linear or rotational accelerations among female players. Similarly, male players didn't exhibit significant differences in impact location for linear acceleration. However, impacts at the Top Front location demonstrated significantly higher rotational accelerations compared to those at Front Low and Front High positions. Conclusion: Compared to male players, female players sustain fewer but harder impacts to the head, which may explain the high occurrence of concussion in women's ice hockey. © 2024 The Author(s)

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  • Lövenmark, Annica
    et al.
    Mälardalen University, Västerås.
    Marmstål Hammar, Lena
    Dalarna University, School of Health and Welfare, Caring Science/Nursing. Mälardalen University, Västerås.
    Organisational and Ethical Challenges While Caring for Older People During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden: A Focus Group Study2024In: International Journal of Older People Nursing, ISSN 1748-3735, E-ISSN 1748-3743, Vol. 19, no 6, article id e12663Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    INTRODUCTION: During the COVID-19 pandemic, older people in Sweden's residential care facilities and home care services experienced high mortality rates. Prior to the pandemic, the care of older people in Sweden was challenged by organisational and regulatory changes, an ageing population and insufficient increases in staff numbers. These issues led to high staff turnover, increased workloads, stress, burnout and a perceived inability to provide satisfactory care. The pandemic brought about increased job strain, stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder among the staff who cared for older people. The aim of this study was therefore to focus on assistant nurses and care aides' experiences of their work environments when caring for older people during the pandemic in Sweden.

    METHODS: The data were collected through four focus groups interviews and analysed using qualitative content analysis.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the care staff had to navigate organisational and ethical challenges in poor and unsafe work environments. They lacked supportive leadership in their respective organisations, were neither valued, seen nor heard and were treated as 'plain doers'. During the pandemic, they were unable to protect or communicate easily with the older people in their care, which had harsh consequences.

    CONCLUSION: According to the participants, the pandemic left them, their working conditions and this part of the care system in a worse situation than before the pandemic. The pandemic thus revealed more unsustainable and unethical working conditions for the staff than before it, including the vulnerability of the older people in their care.

    IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The findings highlights the need of policies that ensure adequate training and instruction on medical issues, for managers responsible for overseeing the care of older people. There are also a need of provision of sufficient support for care staff and health care professionals during crises. The findings also underscore the need of feasible and efficient strategies do disseminate care information and address the psychosocial needs of older people.

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  • Borsgård, Gustav
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Swedish.
    Colella, Gianluca
    Dalarna University, School of Language, Literatures and Learning, Italian.
    Il Sistema scolastico svedese2024In: Dynamis: Rivista di filosofia e pratiche educative, E-ISSN 2785-4523, Vol. 7, no 2, p. 13-22Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Swedish educational system is characterized by a well-structured framework with a strong focus on inclusivity and student-centered learning. Over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries, reforms have progressively adapted the system to meet social and economic demands, emphasizing both academic and vocational preparation. Democracy, sustainability, and digital innovation are key elements integrated into all educational levels. However, recent challenges, such as the privatization of schools (friskolor) and the digitization of education, have raised concerns about potential inequalities and their impact on educational quality. Despite its strengths, the system faces issues related to increasing social disparities and standardized assessments.

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  • Bagger, Anette
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work.
    Helena, Roos
    Malmö universitet.
    Inkludering och likvärdighet i och genom matematikundervisning2024In: MONA - Tidsskrift for undervisere, formidlere og forskere inden for matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik, ISSN 1604-8628, Vol. saernummer, p. 50-65Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article reports from the collaborative project “Mathematics is MInE” and depicts how inclusion and equity are conditioned and can be supported through mathematics education. Inclusion and equity in the subject of mathematics in Sweden and previous research are portrayed. Subsequently, principles to map and understand how inclusion and equity are realized, are presented. To illustrate the school develop-ment that took place in parallel, two fictional cases with associated discussion questions are presented. These can be used to explore about how equity and inclusion are conditioned and can be supported at individual, group, and organizational levels also in other contexts.

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  • Bagger, Anette
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work.
    Nieminen, Juuso
    The University of Hong Kong.
    Walla, Maria
    Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Mathematics Education.
    Bedömning som omsorg om lärandet i de tidiga skolåren2024In: MONA - Tidsskrift for undervisere, formidlere og forskere inden for matematik- og naturfagsdidaktik, ISSN 1604-8628, Vol. saernummer, p. 23-38Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article illustrates how assessment can be care for the learning in mathematics. Research indicates friction between discourses of care and discourses related to performance. The latter often take precedence in national assessment, which becomes problematic in the early school years. The article brings together research from the field of mathematics education, assessment research, and inclusive education. The international research front is depicted, after which assessment as care for the learning is illustrated through national assessment in preschool class in Sweden. The challenges and opportunities of under-standing and using national assessment s as care for all students’ learning are discussed.

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    Bedömning som omsorg om lärandet i de tidiga skolåren
  • Barkegren, Mikael
    et al.
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering.
    Aarnseth, Isak
    Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering.
    Design and analysis of a 10:1 RC VoltageDivider2024Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This project aims to provide understanding the functions of a resistance and capacitance voltage divider and to design one. It is the core principle behind a voltage probe. It should have a bandwidth of 1 MHz, ratio 10:1, τ1 = τ2 and have up to 3 % deviation from the optimal value. Experiments are done to get a better understanding on how the components of the circuit interact with each other. This is done by doing simulations in the software and doing tests in the workshop. Direct current measurements are done to understand how a voltage divider operates and alternate current measurements studies how capacitors in parallel over each resistor in the voltage divider effect the system and therefore the result. It is complicated to design a resistance and capacitance voltage divider since there are many parameters that are in play and impact the result in different ways. Some of the parameters are known and can be calculated and some are parasitic parameters that are more difficult to take in consideration. A more thorough study is needed to find answers on how more of the parameters affect the result. Test number 4 in Appendix 1 exceeds the goal expectation with a bandwidth of 4.24 MHz and a tolerance of 1.2 %. 

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  • Larsson, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies.
    Sambandet mellan språkligt risktagande, ålder och kön i skriftlig produktion inom andraspråksinlärning2024Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här studien undersöks huruvida det finns något tendens mellan kön, ålder och graden av risktagande inom användandet av grammatiska strukturer inom skriftlig produktion på ett andraspråk. I studien analyserades tio elevtexter skrivna inom undervisning i kursen Svenska som andraspråk på grundskolenivå av tio deltagare beståendeav tre män och sju kvinnor i åldrarna 21 till 47. För att ta reda på graden av risktagande bedömdes svårighetsgraden på de grammatiska strukturerna i texterna med hjälp av processbarhetsteorin. Resultaten gav intrycket av att de fanns en tendens att de manliga deltagarna var mer riskbenägna än de kvinnliga deltagarna samt att graden av risktagande varierade alltmer ju äldre deltagarna var.  

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  • Larsson, Anna
    Dalarna University, School of Humanities and Media Studies.
    Pronunciation of /w/, /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ in English as a L2 by Swedish High School Students2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The pronunciation of the sounds /w/, /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ tends to cause difficulties among students with Swedish as their mother tongue (Stubelius 1968:73ff). This research aims to investigate the situations in which these specific sounds contribute to intelligibility problems, whether the teachers are aware of those intelligibility problems and, if they are, how they approach them. 30 students participated in the study, with the addition of three of their teachers answering questionnaires. Of the three teachers, Teacher 1 taught Group 1, Teacher 2 taught Group 2 and Teacher 3 taught Group 3.

    The results show that the sound /w/ was only mispronounced 0.2% of the time (see Table 4). The majority of mispronunciation for the sounds /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ occurred at the beginning of words, with 85% and 79% respectively (see Table 8 and 12). Moreover, the errors appear mostly in the same words, "just" and "choose" (70% and 42.42%: see Table 20 and 22). Former studies support the fact that the pronunciation of /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ cause problems for Swedes (Stubelius 1968:90). Nevertheless, previous research also claims Swedes often exchange /w/ with /v/ whereas the students in this study did not have such problems (Stubelius 1968:97).

    The students in Group 3 replace /dʒ/ with /ʃ/, /tʃ/and /dj/ and replace /t ʃ/ with /ts/ and /ʃ/. The mentioned errors did not occur in the other two groups.

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