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Biography [eng]

Maria Olson is Guest professor of Educational Work at the Department of Teacher education, Dalarna University.

In 2008, Maria defended her dissertation in Educational Work 2008 at Linköping University with the dissertation "From nation-builder to global market nomad: on citizenship in Swedish education policy during the 1990s". The dissertation highlights various civic/citizen ideals (political, economic and cultural) that prevailed in Swedish education policy from the end of World War II until the turn of the millennium 2000.

Since her doctoral degree, Maria is active at Stockholm University. Maria has also been active at the University of Skövde as a researcher and teacher educator, and has held the position of guest professor at Dalarna University since the autumn of 2018.

Maria's main areas of interest are educational policy, educational theory and educational philosophy. Her specialization includes issues that deal with the relationship between education, democracy and citizenship based on different approaches, with a special interest in the school's social science education subjects, especially social studies and religious education.

Biography [swe]

Maria Olson är gästprofessor i pedagogiskt arbete vid Institutionen för lärarutbildning, Högskolan Dalarna.

År 2008 disputerade Maria i Pedagogiskt arbete 2008 vid Linköpings universitet med avhandlingen "Från nationsbyggare till global marknadsnomad: om medborgarskap i svensk utbildningspolitik under 1990-talet". Avhandlingen lyfter fram olika medborgarideal (politiska, ekonomiska och kulturella) som varit rådande i svensk utbildningspolitik från andra världskrigets slut fram till millennieskiftet 2000.

Sedan doktorsexamen är Maria verksam vid Stockholms universitet. Maria har tidigare varit verksam vid Högskolan i Skövde som forskare och lärarutbildare, och innehar tjänsten som gästprofessor vid Högskolan Dalarna sedan hösten 2018.

Marias främsta intresseområden är utbildningspolitik, utbildningsteori och utbildningsfilosofi. Hennes specialisering innefattar frågor som handlar om relationen mellan utbildning, demokrati och medborgarskap utifrån olika praktikorienterande ansatser, med ett särskilt intresse för skolans samhällsorienterande ämnen.

Publications (10 of 115) Show all publications
Olson, M. & Mathé, N. E. (Eds.). (2023). Eleven som subjekt i samfunnsfagene og samfunnsfagenes potensial i elevers liv. Oslo: Oslo University Library
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Eleven som subjekt i samfunnsfagene og samfunnsfagenes potensial i elevers liv
2023 (Norwegian)Collection (editor) (Other academic)
Alternative title[en]
The student as the subject in social studies and the potential of social studies in students’ lives
Abstract [no]

Samfunnsfagene i de nordiske landene består av flere fag (samfunnskunnskap, historie, geografi og religions- og livssynsfag) som sammen og hver for seg skal hjelpe barn og unge med å delta i samfunnet på ulike arenaer og måter, for eksempel i arbeidslivet, i kulturlivet og i det politiske liv. Men fagene tematiserer også elevenes eget liv og danning. Samlet sett handler dette om samfunnsfagenes potensial når det gjelder å legge til rette for elevenes muligheter til å ‘være’ og ‘handle’ i verden. Det å sette elevenes muligheter til å ‘være’ og ‘handle’ i og utenfor skolen i sentrum når det gjelder skolens samfunnsfagundervisning, er inspirert av filosofen Hannah Arendt (2004, 2013). Arendt var opptatt av betydningen av det situerte og erfaringsnære for en rik og kvalifisert forståelse av verden og samfunnet, noe som peker mot betydningen av eleven som unikt subjekt i utviklingen av egen fag- og virkelighetsforståelse gjennom skolens samfunnsorienterte undervisning (Persson & Olson, n.d.). I samfunnsfagene er disse prosessene tett koblet til det som skjer i samfunnet og verden både nå og i framtiden.

Vårt mål med dette temanummeret er å bidra til å samle og systematisere pågående samfunnsfagdidaktisk forskning i Norden ut fra ulike teoretiske, empiriske og metodologiske innramminger med fokus på eleven som subjekt. Slik ønsker vi å bidra til å bringe det samfunnsfagdidaktiske kunnskapsfeltet videre på en måte som skaper forutsetninger for en fortsatt nordisk kunnskapsutvikling og dialog på feltet.

Aktuell forskning i den nordiske konteksten har pekt på behovet for mer kunnskap om hvordan elevenes medborgerskap og rolle som samfunns- og verdensborgere spiller inn i undervisningen, hvordan læreren kobler fagstoffet til elevenes perspektiver og hvordan ulike aktiviteter og arbeidsformer i fag kan bidra til å støtte opp under elevenes eget engasjement, ansvarstagende, historiske og verdimessige forståelse og de ulike formene dette kan ta i elevens liv i og utenfor skolen (Björklund & Sandahl, 2020; Blanck & Lödén, 2017; Blennow, 2019; Börhaug, 2017; Christensen, 2011; Deldén & Törnegren, 2020; Dessen Jankell & Örbring, 2020; Edling, Sharp, Löfström & Ammert, 2020; Ledman, 2019; Mathé, 2018; Olson, 2020; Persson & Thorp, 2017; Sandahl, 2015; Sandahl & Olson, n.d.; Solhaug, 2021; Tväråna, 2019).

Mulige temaer kan være, men er ikke begrenset til:

Fokus på elevenes livsverden i fagundervisningenLærer- og elevperspektiver på samfunnsfagenes betydning for elevenes rolle som samfunnsborgereKoblinger mellom samfunnsfagene og elevers fritidElevenes muligheter til å utfordre/påvirke undervisning og fagFagdidaktisk teori- og metodeutvikling knyttet til elever som subjekt i samfunnsfageneLærer-, elev- og disiplinære perspektiver på samfunnsfagenes rolle og funksjonDette temanummeret retter fokus mot betydningen av å åpne for og styrke elevers muligheter til å ta plass i verden og samfunnet som selvstendige, unike personer gjennom samfunnsfagene i skolen. Av klar relevans her er også spørsmålet om hvordan elevene tar med seg faglige og verdimessig begrunnede perspektiver, kunnskap og ferdigheter videre i sine liv i og utenfor skolen.

I dette temanummeret inviterer vi bidrag som setter fokus på samspill og potensielle spenninger mellom samfunnsfagundervisning og elevenes livsverden. Ved å rette oppmerksomheten mot dette samspillet og disse spenningene, er vår forhåpning å utvikle kunnskap om samfunnsfagenes potensial i å bidra til elevers utvidede muligheter til å ‘være’ og ‘handle’ i verden.

Vi ønsker bidrag på skandinaviske språk eller på engelsk. Forfatterne må være innstilt på at aksepterte abstract til temanummeret medfører en forpliktelse til å være fagfelle for en av de andre artiklene sammen med eksterne fagfeller.

Om redaktørene

Redaksjonen for temanummeret består av professor Maria Olson (Stockholms universitet og Högskolan Dalarna) og førsteamanuensis Nora E. H. Mathé (Universitetet i Oslo og medlem av redaksjonen i Acta Didactica Norden).

Abstract [en]

Social studies in school in the Nordic countries consist of several subjects (social science, history, geography, and religious education), which together and apart are aimed at helping children and young people to participate in society in various arenas and ways, for example through work, culture and politics. But the school subjects also address students’ own lives and their Bildung. In sum, these processes concern the potential of social studies in terms of facilitating students’ opportunities to ‘be’ and to ‘act’ in the world. This special issue focuses on this being and acting, in and outside of school, related to social studies and takes inspiration from the political philosopher Hannah Arendt (2004, 2013). Arendt was concerned with the significance of the situated and experiential for a rich and qualified understanding of the world and society, which highlights the importance of the very process through which the students as unique beings give rise to their own unique understanding and formation of the world and society through social studies teaching and learning (Persson & Olson, n.d.).

Our goal with this special issue is to help gather and systematize ongoing social studies research in the Nordic countries based on various theoretical, empirical and methodological frameworks with a focus on the student as a subject. In this way, we want to contribute to advancing the social studies didactic field of knowledge in a way that facilitates continued Nordic knowledge accumulation and dialogue in the field.

Research in the Nordic context has pointed to the need for more insight into how students’ role as citizens comes through in the social studies classroom, how teachers relate the subject matter to student perspectives, and how various activities in social studies can contribute to student engagement, responsibility, historical and value-based understanding and the different ways in which these processes can matter in students’ lives in and outside of school (Björklund & Sandahl, 2020; Blanck & Lödén, 2017; Blennow, 2019; Børhaug, 2017; Christensen, 2011; Deldén & Törnegren, 2020; Dessen Jankell & Örbring, 2020; Edling, Sharp, Löfström, & Ammert, 2020; Ledman, 2019; Mathé, 2018; Olson 2020; Persson & Thorp, 2017; Sandahl, 2015; Sandahl & Olson, n.d.; Solhaug, 2021; Tväråna, 2019).

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

Focus on students’ lifeworld in the subject teachingTeacher and student perspectives on the significance of the social studies for the students’ role as citizensLinks between the social studies and students’ leisure timeStudents’ opportunities to challenge/influence teaching and the subjectsSubject didactic theory and method development related to the students as subjects in the social studiesTeacher, student and disciplinary perspectives on the role and function of social studiesThis special issue focuses on the importance of opening up to and strengthening students’ expanded opportunities to take a place in the world and society as independent, unique beings through the social studies subjects in school. Of clear relevance here is also the question of how the students bring with them academic and value-based perspectives, knowledge and skills into their lives in and outside of school.

We hereby invite contributions that focus on the relationship and potential tensions between social studies and the students’ lifeworld. By drawing attention to this, our hope is to contribute with knowledge about the potential of social studies in students’ expansion of opportunities to ‘be’ and ‘act’ in the world.

We invite contributions in Scandinavian languages or in English. If their abstract is accepted, authors should be prepared to act as peer reviewers together with external peer reviewers for another article submitted to the special issue.

About the editors

The editors of the special issue are Professor Maria Olson (Stockholm University and Dalarna University) and Associate Professor Nora E. H. Mathé (University of Oslo and member of the Acta Didactica Norden's editorial team).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oslo: Oslo University Library, 2023
Social studies, Nordic region, subject teaching, social sciences, history, geography, religious education, the student, subject, formation, society, world, future, citizenship, Samfunnsfagene, Norden, ämnesundervisning, samfunnskunnskap, historie, geografi, religions- og livssynsfag, eleven, subjekt, danning, liv, samfunnet, verden, framtid, medborgerskap
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46348 (URN)
Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2023-07-27Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. (2023). Ett öppet klassrumsklimat är viktigt för elevers demokratilärande [Review]. Skolforskningsportalen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Ett öppet klassrumsklimat är viktigt för elevers demokratilärande
2023 (Swedish)In: SkolforskningsportalenArticle, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Abstract [sv]

Skolan har ett viktigt demokratiuppdrag och undervisningens utformning påverkar elevers lärande. Ett öppet klassrumsklimat där elever bjuds in att fråga, diskutera och komma med synpunkter på ämnesinnehållet är det i särklass viktigaste för att skapa förutsättningar för demokratilärande – oavsett skolämne.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Skolforskningsinstitutet, 2023
demokrati, undervisning, lärare, arbetssätt, elever, lärande, skola
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46342 (URN)
Att lära demokrati - lärares arbetssätt i fokus

Intervjuartikel i Skolforskningsportalen (2023) ”Ett öppet klassrumsklimat är viktigt för elevers demokratilärande”, med anledning av medproduktion av den systematiska internationella forskningssammanställningen 'Att lära demokrati – lärares arbetssätt i fokus', Skolforskningsinstitutet (2021-2022). Journalist Anna Andersson. (publicerad 21 mars 2023)

Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2023-07-27Bibliographically approved
Blennow, K. & Olson, M. (2023). Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school: Limitations and openings. Acta Didactica Norden, 17(2), 1-24, Article ID 4.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school: Limitations and openings
2023 (English)In: Acta Didactica Norden, E-ISSN 2535-8219, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 1-24, article id 4Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In this article, we undertake a narrative analysis of social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary school as a case study. In doing so, we want to stress the need to pay attention to the contextual and situated limits and openings of the conceivable repertoire of legitimate stories of social science in the Swedish context and its related research. The students’ attempts at sense making and action in encounters with the subject matter content, approached in terms of emplotments, render visible to what extent and in what ways the students insert cultural narratives into the subject matter teaching repertoire through their own subject storytelling. Furthermore, it indicates the limits and openings of social science teaching as predetermined “truth telling”, that is, as already-established socio-political knowledge repertoires.

In focusing on students’ unique, situated and collective interweaving of their “own” experiences with established cultural and political knowledge repertoires, we wish to make a case for the potential to renew society and students’ ways of acting and being in this storytelling. If meagre attention is provided to this interweaving, we argue that there is a danger that the renewal of society and of social science education will get lost, or at least disturbed, in an undesirable way.

Abstract [sv]

I den här casestudien gör vi en narrativ analys av samhällskunskapsundervisning i svensk gymnasieskola. Genom analysen vill vi understryka vikten av att uppmärksamma kontextuella och situerade begränsningar och möjligheter när det gäller repertoaren av legitima berättelser i samhällskunskapsundervisningen och dess tillhörande forskning. Elevernas försök till meningsskapande och agerande i mötet med ämnesinnehållet, analyserat med hjälp av begreppen handling, karaktär och genre, synliggör ivilken utsträckning och på vilka sätt eleverna infogar kulturella berättelser i ämnesundervisningsrepertoaren genom sitt eget ämnesberättande. Resultaten indikerar gränser och öppningar för samhällskunskapsundervisning som förutbestämt ”sanningssägande” genom analysens fokus på elevers unikt situerade och kollektiva sammanvävning av sina ”egna” erfarenheter med etablerade kulturella och politiska kunskapsrepertoarer. Vi hävdar att det i ämnesberättelserna finns en potential till förnyelse av både samhället och samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Om sammanvävningen av narrativ i undervisningen inte uppmärksammas, menar vi att det finns en risk för att förnyelsen av samhället och av samhällskunskapsundervisningen går vilse, eller åtminstone störs, på ett oönskat sätt.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oslo: , 2023
social science, teaching, narratives, students, Swedish upper secondary school, social science education, Samhällskunskap, undervisning, narrativ, elever, svensk gymnasieskola
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46337 (URN)10.5617/adno.9744 (DOI)

Översättning av titeln till svenska:Samhällskunskapsnarrativ: En studie av samhällskunskaps-undervisning som en väv av berättelser

Available from: 2023-07-01 Created: 2023-07-01 Last updated: 2023-07-25Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. & Blennow, K. (2023). Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary schools – a call for increased attention to students’ storytelling as conditions for the renewal of society and of social science teaching. In: Åbo Akademi University (Ed.), NOFA9, Education, knowledge and Bildung in a global world: Book of abstracts. Paper presented at NOFA9,Education, knowledge and Bildung in a global world, May 9–11, 2023 in Vaasa, Finland (pp. 101). Vaasa: Åbo Akademi University
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Students’ narrative action in social science teaching in Swedish upper secondary schools – a call for increased attention to students’ storytelling as conditions for the renewal of society and of social science teaching
2023 (English)In: NOFA9, Education, knowledge and Bildung in a global world: Book of abstracts / [ed] Åbo Akademi University, Vaasa: Åbo Akademi University , 2023, p. 101-Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Taking on a narrative analysis of social studies teaching carried out in Swedish upper secondary schools (Blennow & Olson, in press), the aim of the presentation is revealed: to stress the need to pay (increased) attention to the contextual and situated limits and openings of the conceivable repertoire of legitimate stories of social studies in the Swedish context and its related research. In focusing on students' unique situated and collective interweaving of their 'own' experiences with established cultural and political knowledge repertoires, we wish to make a case for the potential involved in this storytelling: a renewal of society and of students’ ways of acting and being in society. If meagre attention is provided to this interweaving, we argue that there is a danger that this renewal of society as well as of social studies education will get lost, or at least disturbed, in an undesirable way. The narrative analysis on which the presentation is based was based on is a) field notes from classroom observations of every social science lesson for approximately six weeks in each class, in a medium-sized city in southern Sweden, and b) 36 transcribed interviews with social studies teachers and students. The theoretical-analytical grid in the analysis was the sociologist Czarniawska’s (2004) narrative theory, where the students’ storytelling attempts at sense making and action in encounters with the subject matter content was approached in terms of emplotments. In the analysis, Frank's (2015) ethnographic advice, to be widely inclusive at this stage, ‘cultivating reflexive uncertainty about which stories will eventually be most useful’ (2015, p. 39), was followed. Through the analysis, the 'repertoire of legitimate stories' about society in social studies teaching and students' attempts at sense making and action through their own social studies storytelling was rendered visible. The analysis rendered visible to what extent and in what ways the students insert cultural narratives into the subject matter teaching repertoire through their own subject storytelling. Out of the analysis, the transformational potential of these encounters, i.e., the emplotments, concerning society and students' ways of acting and being in society. Furthermore, it indicates the limits and openings of social studies teaching itself as a matter of predetermined ‘truth telling’, that is, as already-established socio-political knowledge repertoires. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Vaasa: Åbo Akademi University, 2023
: Social studies, Teaching, Upper secondary students, Narratives, Storytelling, Social science education
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46338 (URN)
NOFA9,Education, knowledge and Bildung in a global world, May 9–11, 2023 in Vaasa, Finland
Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2023-07-25Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. & Mathé, N. E. (2023). The student as the subject in social studies and the potential of social studies in students’ lives. Acta Didactica Norden, 17(2), 1-12, Article ID 0.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>The student as the subject in social studies and the potential of social studies in students’ lives
2023 (English)In: Acta Didactica Norden, E-ISSN 2535-8219, Vol. 17, no 2, p. 1-12, article id 0Article in journal, Editorial material (Other academic) Published
Abstract [en]

Social studies education in schools in the Nordic context consists of four subject areas: social science, history, geography 1 and religious education. Which of these subject areas are included in the mandatory social studies subjects varies between the Nordic countries. Each of these subject areas, and all of them together, are aimed at offering children and young people space for subject specific growth of different kinds. Social studies address a historically established group of school subjects in the Nordic educational context that can provide students ground for being and acting with other people, in society and in the world. This special issue of Acta Didactica Norden focuses on the potential of social studies to offer such possibilities, in and outside of school. Inspired by the political philosopher Hannah Arendt (2006, 2018), it addresses a specific encounter – that between the student(s) and the social studies subjects in school. Arendt was concerned with the significance of the situated and the experiential for a rich and qualified understanding of the world and society. This concern addresses the potential of social studies to offer a rich understanding of work, culture and the political, the three realms that she pointed out as key for being and acting in the world (2018). Arendt’s concerns are further linked with the importance of gaining insight into the processes, content and aims of any educational situation, from the point of view of students’ possibility for growth, as well as from the point of view of the teachers’ ways of (re)presenting the ‘old world’ to them (2006). Taking on these Arendtian concerns, the special issue highlights the social studies subjects, their teaching and related research. We aim to discern and point out central themes, conditions and concerns related to the question of what kinds of potentials for the students becoming, being and acting in society and the world that are or could be made possible in or through social studies education.

Our goal with this special issue is to make a research-oriented overview of significant ongoing social studies research in the Nordic countries related to the special issues’ concern; that is, research based on various theoretical, empirical and methodological frameworks focusing on the student as a subject in the encounter with the social studies subjects’ varying content matters and types of knowledge. With Deng (2020) and Biesta (2017, 2022), two established edu-cational theorists from contrasting traditions (Anglo-Saxon curriculum tradition and continental philosophical tradition respectively), these differences can be related t o diverse positions regarding the relationship to knowledge and the relationship to education. Regarding the relationship to knowledge, there are three or four different “perceptions of knowledge” to which the articles can be related (see Deng & Luke, 2008; Wahlström, 2020). And these perceptions of knowledge can, in addition, be tentatively put in relation to different “orientations to [social studies, authors’ comm.] education” (Biesta, 2017, 2022). Together, the two con-ceptualisations – perceptions of knowledge and orientations to [social studies] education – may provide a way of rendering visible the inborn field of tension in the social studies didactic research in the special issue. Given the diversity of approaches to social studies education in school, our aim is to contribute to advancing the social studies didactic field of knowledge in a way that enables continued Nordic knowledge accumulation and dialogue in the field.The scientific motives underpinning this aim are several, and stem from various perspectives. Social studies didactic research in the Nordic context has long pointed to the need for deepened and qualified empirical insight about students as knowledgeable, growing persons, critical beings and skilled indi-viduals in and for democracy and citizenship, into how these abilities and opportunities relate to students’ perspectives, and further how they come through in the social studies classroom. There is also a need for empirical as well as theoretical exploration of how agency and existential aspects linked with Nordic social studies teaching, knowledge and understanding contribute to enlarged thinking, agency, student engagement and responsibility, qualified belief, moral, and value-based judgment in society, in their own lives, and in relation to the educational situation of social studies subject teaching. Insight is also needed abouy of the different ways in which these processes can matter in elementary and secondary students’ lives in and outside of school, in society and in the world (Ammert et al., 2022; Bergström & Ekström, 2015; Björkgren et al., 2019; Bladh et al., 2018; Bråten & Skeie, 2020; Børhaug, 2023; Christensen et al., 2017; Christensen & Mathé, in press; Christensen, 2011; Gullberg, 2014; Iversen, 2019; Jägerskog et al., 2022; Larsson & Ledman, 2023; Nordgren, 2023; Osbeck et al., 2023; Sandahl et al., 2022; Skjæveland, 2020; Solhaug et al., 2020).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oslo: Oslo University Library, 2023
Editorial article, Redaksjonelt
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46339 (URN)10.5617/adno.10211 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2023-07-25Bibliographically approved
Jägerskog, A.-S., Halvarson Britton, T. & Olson, M. (2022). Agens och existens i ämnesundervisningen: medborgarbildning i religionskunskap, psykologi och samhällskunskap. Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education (4), 1-26
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Agens och existens i ämnesundervisningen: medborgarbildning i religionskunskap, psykologi och samhällskunskap
2022 (Swedish)In: Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, ISSN 2000-9879, no 4, p. 1-26Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of the article is twofold. Firstly, the ambition is to argue on a theoretical basis, with exemplification in three school subjects in Sweden - religious education, psychology and social studies, for a widening of the understanding of the citizenship education assignment of schools and subject teaching and the point in doing so. Secondly, the ambition is to show what this can mean specifically in relation to the subject teaching of these three school subjects in Swedish primary school and in upper secondary school. The starting point in the argumentation is taken from Hannah Arendt's thoughts on education, man and existence (2004, 1958/2013). The argument leads to the notion that the citizen-forming task of subject teaching not only needs to include agency dimensions - students' 'doing', their opportunities for action and readiness for action in society and in the world - but also existential dimensions - students' 'being in society and the world', their opportunities to grow as unique people in the meeting with subject teaching. As agency dimensions seem to be more elaborated in current subject didactic research than existential dimensions, the ambition in the article is to elaborate in an in-depth manner how existential dimensions can be depicted and the importance of them.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Karlstad: , 2022
citizenship education, subject teaching, arendt, agency, existence, religious education, psychology, social studies
National Category
Pedagogical Work
urn:nbn:se:du-44691 (URN)
Available from: 2022-12-25 Created: 2022-12-25 Last updated: 2023-03-17Bibliographically approved
Wallin, P., Olson, M. & Persson, M. (2022). Arbetssätt i undervisningen som främjar elevers demokratilärande: En systematisk översikt. In: : . Paper presented at Annual conference of the Swedish Political Science Association, SWEPSA 2022, 28-30 Sept, Örebro university, Örebro (pp. 1-16).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Arbetssätt i undervisningen som främjar elevers demokratilärande: En systematisk översikt
2022 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [sv]

Skolan i Sverige har ett tydligt framskrivet demokratiuppdrag. Enligt Skollagen ska utbildningen förmedla och förankra respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och grundläggande demokratiska värderingar. Men det finns olika sätt att tolka vad skolans demokratiuppdrag innebär och hur det ska återspeglas i undervisningen. En behovsinventering visar att lärare har behov av vetenskapligt underbyggda arbetssätt för att konkret utforma undervisningen kring demokratiuppdraget. Lärare beskriver bland annat utmaningar med att ta hänsyn till mångkultur, bemöta ickedemokratiska värderingar och att stärka elever att vara självständiga. I en pågående systematisk översikt sammanställer vi forskning om vilka arbetssätt i undervisningen som främjar elevers demokratilärande. En omfattande litteratursökning i flera vetenskapliga referensdatabaser resulterade i drygt 8000 träffar som efter en granskning av två oberoende sakkunniga forskare reducerats ned till ett mindre antal studier som bedömts vara av hög relevans och vetenskaplig kvalitet för ändamålet. Arbetet med att sammanställa resultaten pågår och översikten kommer att publiceras under hösten 2022. I denna text presenteras översiktens första två kapitel. 

demokrati, undervisning, lärande, elever, skola
National Category
Didactics Political Science
urn:nbn:se:du-43337 (URN)
Annual conference of the Swedish Political Science Association, SWEPSA 2022, 28-30 Sept, Örebro university, Örebro
Skolforskningsinstitutets internationella kunskapsöversikt över praktiknära demokratiforskning
Swedish Institute for Educational Research
Available from: 2022-11-23 Created: 2022-11-23 Last updated: 2023-03-17Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. (2022). Att lära demokrati - lärares arbetssätt i fokus. Solna: Skolforskningsinstitutet
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att lära demokrati - lärares arbetssätt i fokus
2022 (Swedish)Report (Refereed)
Alternative title[en]
Learning democracy – teaching practices in focus
Abstract [sv]

Demokratiuppdraget är något av en paradgren för den svenska skolan. I den internationella kunskapsmätningen ICCS (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study) presterar svenska elever i topp. För att behålla den positionen gäller det att lärare ges rätt förutsättningar för att utveckla det goda arbete som de gör dagligen under och mellan lektionerna. En sådan förutsättning är att lärare har tillgång till forskning inom området och vad den säger om lärande och demokrati. Det är ett tämligen spretigt forskningsfält med många tangerande begrepp och perspektiv som inte enkelt låter sig överblickas. Vi bedömer utifrån vår behovs­ inventering att lärare efterfrågar mer samlad kunskap om forskningsfältet. 

Mot denna bakgrund känns det angeläget att denna systematiska forskningsöversikt, Att lära demokrati – lärares arbetssätt i fokus, adresserar detta område. Översikten riktar sig till lärare i alla ämnen inom grundskola, gymnasieskola och vuxenutbildning men framför allt till lärare som undervisar i samhällsorienterande ämnen inom grund­ och gymnasieskola. Genom att arbeta på vetenskaplig grund kan lärare utveckla och kalibrera undervisningen för att möta de utmaningar som uppstår i klassrummet och demokratin varje dag. Demokrati kommer alltid att vara ett pågående arbete. 

Det krävs många olika personer och typer av kompetenser för att producera en syste­ matisk översikt. Projektgruppen med flera interna medarbetare har letts av forskaren Pontus Wallin. I den har även två externa forskare ingått, Maria Olson och Mikael Persson. De har deltagit i arbetet från ax till limpa: urval av studier, granskning, analys och syntesarbete samt författande. Utöver dessa personer vill jag tacka forskarna Erik Amnå och Silvia Edling för granskning och värdefulla synpunkter på en tidigare version av översikten. De forskare som vi anlitar för olika uppgifter säkerställer en hög vetenskaplig nivå på våra översikter. Men för att översikterna ska komma till användning i undervisning måste de också vara skrivna på sådant sätt att de verksamma har behållning av dem. Därför vill jag tacka lärarna Charlotta Granath och Anneli Mickelsson som läst ett utkast till översikten och gett kloka synpunkter ur främst ett sådant mottagarperspektiv. 

Abstract [en]

The aim of the Swedish education system is to ensure that all students acquire and develop both knowledge and values. According to Swedish law, the education system must convey respect for human rights and democratic values. The purpose of this systematic review is to give teachers an overview of the research about how students learn democracy. The question that the review seeks to answer is:

What teaching practices promote democracy learning?

Democracy learning is defined as learning knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values relating to democracy.

Teaching practicesThe review includes studies of teaching with the explicit purpose of promoting democracy learning. Half the studies included in the review are intervention studies that investigate the causal relationship between specific teaching methods and democracy learning. The other half are correlation studies that investigate how the learning environment influences how students learn democracy.

The intervention studies primarily highlight teaching practices that focus on discussions and group work, as well as simulations such as role play and student participation in decision-making processes. Some studies also emphasise the importance of using news media and texts about politics in the classroom, as well as interacting with the surrounding community.

The correlation studies primarily highlight teaching approaches that promote an open classroom environment, which facilitates discussions and encourages students to participate actively in class activities. Some studies emphasise the importance of teacher engagement and leadership.

Democracy learningThe results of the review show that encouraging students to participate actively in teaching also promotes democracy learning in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. Active participation helps students gain a shared sense of responsibility and gives them opportunities to experience and practice democratic principles and values.School plays an important role, but should be put in relation to other factors that influence democracy learning. One important conclusion, drawn by multiple researchers, is that teaching practices influence democracy learning but that different teaching methods can benefit different aspects of democracy learning for different students.

Knowledge and skillsThe overall picture provided by the research included in this review shows a positive correlation between an open classroom environment and students’ knowledge of democracy. Moreover, an open classroom environment seems to be an important component in strengthening students’ ability to test out their own opinions in discussions with others. Participating in decision-making processes at school can improve the students’ capacity for democratic participation.

Using news media in teaching encourages students to discuss societal issues and can especially benefit students who do not have access to newspapers at home. Informative texts can contribute factual knowledge that students use to form arguments during discussions. Taking responsibility for cooperation and the tone of discussions in small groups can boost student understanding of democratic concepts and principles, with social classroom activities being particularly important for students in younger age groups.

Attitudes and valuesSchool can affect students’ attitudes to participation and political behaviour later in life. An open classroom environment, and inclusive and mutually respectful relationships between teachers and students promote higher future participation in elections and other democratic processes. Cooperation exercises in the form of groupwork also promote a higher participation rate in elections as adults. For upper-secondary school students, there is a link between an open classroom environment and democratic values. Involving students in simulations allows them to develop a nuanced image of the opportunities and challenges associated with democracy.

Teachers can promote all students’ willingness to participate in democracy by being aware of minority perspectives in class and highlighting critical perspectives. Group discussions and the use of news media can increase students’ confidence in their own capacity to participate in democracy and promote positive attitudes towards future political participation. Visiting external exhibitions and other ways of interacting with the surrounding community can strengthen students’ support for political equality and contribute to equity in education by giving students of all backgrounds access to such opportunities for learning.

A multifaceted missionWe chose to include research about different aspects of democracy learning. However, we have been careful to ensure that the studies included in the review clearly and unambiguously relate to the concept of democracy, so several closely related areas were not included.

The review does not include research about how to prevent violence, bullying and extremism, or about how to promote attendance, motivation and health. Nor does the review cover research about the students’ development of prosocial behaviour. We have also excluded research with a specific focus on education about human rights and anti-racism, anti-extremism, equality, LGTBQ+, sustainable development and global and social justice. Research about ethics and morality and how students relate to concepts such as love, tolerance, justice and freedom has also been excluded. Finally, research about critical thinking and source criticism has been excluded, as has research about civics and citizenship education that is not specifically related to democracy.

Selection of researchThis systematic overview is based on 32 studies conducted in eleven countries. The studies evaluate teaching that aims to promote democracy learning in various subjects from primary school to adult education. However, most of the research included is focused on teaching in social studies in primary school and high school.The review includes empirical studies where democracy learning is evaluated by comparisons between students or over time. All the included studies have been published in peer-reviewed sources.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Solna: Skolforskningsinstitutet, 2022. p. 76
Skolforskningsinstitutets systematiska forskningssammanställningar ; 2022:03
democracy, teaching, practice, working methods, teachers, scientific basis, evidence-based, democracy learning, students, school, demokrati, undervisning, praktik, arbetssätt, lärare, vetenskaplig grund, evidensbaserat, demokratiilärande, elever, skola
National Category
Pedagogical Work
urn:nbn:se:du-44365 (URN)978-91-985317-9-4 (ISBN)978-91-985317-9-4 (ISBN)
Swedish Institute for Educational Research, 2022:03

Skolforskningsinstitutets systematiska forskningssammanställning 2022:03

Projektgrupp-Pontus Wallin, Fil dr, projektledare-Ilana Manneh, Fil dr, biträdande projektledare-Lisa Jonsson, informationsspecialist-Catarina Melin, projektassistent-Maria Olson, Fil dr, professor i ämnesdidaktik, Stockholms universitet, och gästprofessor i pedagogiskt arbete, Högskolan Dalarna-Mikael Persson, Fil dr, professor i statsvetenskap, Göteborgs universitet

The Swedish Institute of Educational Research's systematic mapping of research 2022:03Project groupExternal researchers-Maria Olson, PhD, professor of Subject Didactics, Stockholm University and guest professor of Pedagogy at Dalarna University-Mikael Persson, PhD, professor of Political Science, University of GothenburgFrom the Institute for Educational Research-Pontus Wallin, PhD, project manager-Ilana Manneh, PhD, assistant project manager-Lisa Jonsson, information specialist-Catarina Melin, project assistant

Available from: 2022-12-18 Created: 2022-12-18 Last updated: 2023-07-25Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. (2022). Bara kunskap räcker inte!: Samhällsklimatet liknar det för 100 år sedan – svartvitt, polariserat, med liten plats för gråskalor. Grundskoletidningen (3)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Bara kunskap räcker inte!: Samhällsklimatet liknar det för 100 år sedan – svartvitt, polariserat, med liten plats för gråskalor
2022 (Swedish)In: Grundskoletidningen, ISSN 1652-7844, no 3Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.)) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: Gothia Kompetens AB, 2022
demokrati, 100 år, skola, uppdrag, lärare, elever, kunskaper, känsliga frågor, våga, uthärda
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46345 (URN)
Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2024-11-13Bibliographically approved
Olson, M. (2022). Demokrati och didaktik. In: : . Paper presented at Föredragshållare på digital nationell konferens ”Hållbarhet och demokrati”, anordnad av Universitets- och högskolerådet/Skolverket 31 augusti 2022.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Demokrati och didaktik
2022 (Swedish)Conference paper, Oral presentation only (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Två punkter i föredraget rörande demokratilärande - utifrån frågorna ”vad behöver vi?" och "vad vet vi?”

A) Omvärlds-”spaning” utifrån ett utbildningsvetenskapligt utkikstorn på relationen mellan demokrati och didaktik

B) Presentation av pågående arbete med systematisk internationell kunskapsöversikt över praktiknära forskning om lärares arbetssätt för att främja elevers demokratilärande

demokrati, hållbarhet, undervisning, lärare, arbetssätt, elever, lärande, störa, våga, uthärda, vilja
National Category
urn:nbn:se:du-46344 (URN)
Föredragshållare på digital nationell konferens ”Hållbarhet och demokrati”, anordnad av Universitets- och högskolerådet/Skolverket 31 augusti 2022
Available from: 2023-07-02 Created: 2023-07-02 Last updated: 2023-07-25Bibliographically approved
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-1776-478X

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