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Publications (10 of 40) Show all publications
Korolczuk, E. & Saxonberg, S. (2015). Strategies of contentious action: a comparative analysis of the women's movements in Poland and the Czech Republic. European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association, 17(4), 404-422
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Strategies of contentious action: a comparative analysis of the women's movements in Poland and the Czech Republic
2015 (English)In: European Societies: The Official Journal of the European Sociological Association, ISSN 1461-6696, E-ISSN 1469-8307, Vol. 17, no 4, p. 404-422Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article compares the contemporary Czech and Polish women's movements and demonstrates that there are significant differences in their strategies. While the Polish women's movement is more active in mobilizing the population and uses both transactional and participatory strategies in order to achieve its goals, the Czech women's movement focuses more on transactional activities, such as lobbying, setting up cooperation with national and international organizations, and negotiating with the authorities, as well as on educational activities. The article explains why these differences occur and why during the last decade the Polish women's movement has attempted at mobilizing the population successfully, while the Czech women's movement has not tried to organize any mass mobilizations. Based on interviews with women's organizations in Poland and the Czech Republic, we argue that institutional factors can explain these differences. This includes such factors as the role of the reformed, postcommunist women's organization in each country and the political opportunity structures. The most important political opportunity structures include a law in Poland that force the parliament to debate a law proposal if civil society organizations can get 100,000 signatures, as well as the facility for residents to allocate 1% of their income taxes to a registered civil society organization of their choosing. Another important difference in the political opportunity structures has been the types of institutional arrangements made to accommodate European Union's demands for gender mainstreaming.

women's movement, Poland, Czech Republic, transactional activism, mobilization
National Category
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-14746 (URN)10.1080/14616696.2014.977321 (DOI)000369767600002 ()2-s2.0-84942373068 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2014-08-08 Created: 2014-08-08 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. & Jacobsson, K. (2014). Addendum: Introduction to the additional two articles. In: Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia: . Routledge
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Addendum: Introduction to the additional two articles
2014 (English)In: Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia, Routledge, 2014Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2014
National Category
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-14749 (URN)978-1-13-878436-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2014-08-08 Created: 2014-08-08 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. & Sirovatka, T. (2014). From a garbage can to a compost model of decision-making?: social policy reform and the Czech government’s reaction to the international financial crisis. Social Policy & Administration, 48(4), 450-467
Open this publication in new window or tab >>From a garbage can to a compost model of decision-making?: social policy reform and the Czech government’s reaction to the international financial crisis
2014 (English)In: Social Policy & Administration, ISSN 0144-5596, E-ISSN 1467-9515, Vol. 48, no 4, p. 450-467Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This article argues that the financial crisis did not have a strong impact on Czech social policy. In contrast to the garbage-can model, in which policymakers wait for a ‘window of opportunity’ to implement radical reforms, the Czech centre-right parties instead used the crisis as a means of continuing their market-liberal reforms that they had initiated before the crisis had even begun. Since they had extremely little public support for their reforms, they tried to bring about gradual change. Thus, instead of pulling radical reforms out of the garbage-can, Czech right-wing politicians have tended to take out smaller biodegradable goods that can decay and compost into fertile ground in order to sow the seeds of gradual change.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
John Wiley & Sons, 2014
Garbage-can; Reforms; Liberalism-by-decay; Czech politics
National Category
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-14744 (URN)10.1111/spol.12070 (DOI)000339102000005 ()2-s2.0-84903770926 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2014-08-08 Created: 2014-08-08 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. (2014). Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe: A Historical-Institutional Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Gendering Family Policies in Post-Communist Europe: A Historical-Institutional Analysis
2014 (English)Book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. p. 304
National Category
Political Science
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-11552 (URN)9780230299955 (ISBN)
Vem ta hand om barnen?
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Available from: 2012-12-27 Created: 2012-12-27 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. & Jacobsson, K. (2014). Introduction: A new look at social movements and civil society in post-communist Europe and Russia. In: Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia: . Routledge
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Introduction: A new look at social movements and civil society in post-communist Europe and Russia
2014 (English)In: Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia, Routledge, 2014Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Routledge, 2014
National Category
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-14748 (URN)978-1-13-878436-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2014-08-08 Created: 2014-08-08 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. (Ed.). (2014). Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia. London: Routledge
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Social Movements in Post-Communist Europe and Russia
2014 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London: Routledge, 2014
National Category
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-14743 (URN)978-1-13-878436-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2014-08-08 Created: 2014-08-08 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Jansson, P. M. & Saxonberg, S. (2013). Are assymetrical power relations a hidden obstacle to successful rehabilitation of violent men?: An explorative study on the methodology to investigate shame. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(6), 745-752
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Are assymetrical power relations a hidden obstacle to successful rehabilitation of violent men?: An explorative study on the methodology to investigate shame
2013 (English)In: Aggression and Violent Behavior, ISSN 1359-1789, E-ISSN 1873-6335, Vol. 18, no 6, p. 745-752Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The study starts from Retzinger (1995), Retzinger and Scheff (2000) and Scheff and Retzinger's (2000, 2001) micro-sociological perspective on social bonds, with the general aim of constructing a model consisting of operationalized indicators that opens for a simplified ability to analyze the relationship between power relations and emotions in private and institutionalized meetings. Scheff & Retzinger have provided a comprehensive guide to how the state of the social bond can be decoded by the direct access to non-verbal data. But since this type of data is both difficult to obtain, difficult to analyze and time consuming, therapists need simplified methods that can provide insight into the state of social bonds. We also need a method that takes into account the issue of power relations — both power relations in society and power relations between the client and the therapist. The treatment of men with violence problems provides an example of how our model can be applied to therapeutic activity. The examination shows that it is possible to construct a model with operationalized indicators that facilitate visualization of the relationship between power and the quality of social bonds.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier, 2013
Therapy, mens violence, social bonds, shame
National Category
Research subject
Health and Welfare, Män med våldsproblematik – Problem, interventioner och förändring; Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-12788 (URN)10.1016/j.avb.2013.08.002 (DOI)000327689900017 ()2-s2.0-84887140085 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2013-08-21 Created: 2013-08-21 Last updated: 2023-01-10Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. & Jacobsson, K. (Eds.). (2013). Beyond NGO-ization: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Ashgate
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Beyond NGO-ization: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe
2013 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Ashgate, 2013
The Mobilization Series on Social Movements, Protest, and Culture
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-11532 (URN)9781409442226 (ISBN)
Available from: 2012-12-27 Created: 2012-12-27 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. & Jacobsson, K. (2013). Conclusion. In: Kertsin Jacobsson and Steven Saxonberg (Ed.), Beyond NGO-ization: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe. Ashgate
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Conclusion
2013 (English)In: Beyond NGO-ization: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe / [ed] Kertsin Jacobsson and Steven Saxonberg, Ashgate, 2013Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Ashgate, 2013
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-11535 (URN)9781409442226 (ISBN)
Available from: 2012-12-27 Created: 2012-12-27 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
Saxonberg, S. (2013). From Defamilialization to Degenderization: Toward a New Welfare Typology. Social Policy & Administration, 47(1), 26-49
Open this publication in new window or tab >>From Defamilialization to Degenderization: Toward a New Welfare Typology
2013 (English)In: Social Policy & Administration, ISSN 0144-5596, E-ISSN 1467-9515, Vol. 47, no 1, p. 26-49Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Gender; Welfare; Family policy; Welfare typologies
National Category
Social Sciences
Research subject
Research Profiles 2009-2020, Intercultural Studies
urn:nbn:se:du-11529 (URN)10.1111/j.1467-9515.2012.00836.x (DOI)000313347300002 ()
Available from: 2013-01-07 Created: 2012-12-27 Last updated: 2021-11-12Bibliographically approved
National mobilization strategies and transnational networking: Social movements in East and West. [A006-2008_OSS]; Södertörn University
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0001-6057-2762

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