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Publications (10 of 36) Show all publications
Lin, J., Shen, J. & Silfvenius, C. (2024). Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries: Insights and Innovations on Its Strategy and Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 16(5), 2096-2096
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries: Insights and Innovations on Its Strategy and Sustainable Development
2024 (English)In: Sustainability, E-ISSN 2071-1050, Vol. 16, no 5, p. 2096-2096Article in journal, Editorial material (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In an era of rapidly advancing lighting technology and evolving public library roles, this study introduces a groundbreaking strategy for human-centric and integrative lighting asset management. Embracing both visual and non-visual effects, “integrative lighting” aims to enhance users’ physiological and psychological well-being. Despite technological progress, notably with LEDs, current asset management often lags, relying on reactionary measures rather than proactive strategies. As public libraries transform into dynamic learning hubs, the significance of indoor lighting, impacting both physical health and holistic well-being, cannot be understated. Yet, many existing solutions are based on controlled lab tests, bypassing the diverse real-world needs of public libraries. Aiming to explore and develop human-centric and integrative lighting asset management strategies to optimize lighting environments in public libraries, this research offers a cohesive approach encompassing context identification, a management framework, and a maturity assessment model. Additionally, this study highlights the synergy between the role of the lighting asset manager, ISO 55000 principles, and these foundational strategies. This holistic approach not only reinvents lighting in public libraries but also aligns it with the broader Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), advocating for light as a conduit of comprehensive human betterment. The current study is primarily qualitative in nature. While this study is based on public libraries in Nordic countries, the implications and findings can be of interest and value to a broader international audience.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
MDPI, 2024
asset management; public libraries; human-centric lighting; integrative lighting; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-48185 (URN)10.3390/su16052096 (DOI)2-s2.0-85187914222 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency, P2022-00277
Available from: 2024-03-06 Created: 2024-03-06 Last updated: 2024-06-14Bibliographically approved
Lin, J., Hedekvist, P. O., Mylly, N., Bollen, M., Shen, J., Xiong, J. & Silfvenius, C. (2024). Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries: Qualitative Insights and Challenges From a Swedish Field Study. IEEE Access, 12, 40905-40921
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2024 (English)In: IEEE Access, E-ISSN 2169-3536, Vol. 12, p. 40905-40921Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Human-centric lighting, integrative lighting, lighting asset management, library buildings, reliability of lighting sources, visual and non-visual performance
National Category
Energy Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-48305 (URN)10.1109/access.2024.3377135 (DOI)2-s2.0-85188464082 (Scopus ID)
Integrerad tillgångsförvaltning för belysning i allmänna bibliotek genom Digital Tvilling
Swedish Energy Agency, P2022-00277
Available from: 2024-03-27 Created: 2024-03-27 Last updated: 2024-04-02Bibliographically approved
Lin, J. (., Shen, J., Zhang, X. & Silfvenius, C. (2024). Human-centric lighting asset management for LED bulbs: a context-driven approach on prognostics and maintenance strategy development in public libraries. Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1-19
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Human-centric lighting asset management for LED bulbs: a context-driven approach on prognostics and maintenance strategy development in public libraries
2024 (English)In: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, ISSN 1058-9759, E-ISSN 1477-2671, p. 1-19Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Traditional asset management of lighting systems typically focuses on functionality, cost, and lifespan. In contrast, a human-centric approach prioritizes social sustainability and user well-being by ensuring lighting assets “provide the right light at the right time” for diverse activities. Light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs, known for energy efficiency and longevity, have become a preferred choice, yet public libraries often struggle to manage these assets sustainably, remaining in a reactive “fix/replace when it breaks” stage. Current predictive methods, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, rely on laboratory data that often overlook real-world contexts, leading to performance gaps. This paper presents a context-driven, human-centric methodology for LED prognosis and maintenance strategies in public libraries, employing limited degradation data from LED testing. Advanced analytical techniques, including Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Deviance Information Criterion (DIC), support a shift from function-based to performance-based reliability assessment. By incorporating Mean Time of Exposure (MTOE) and Critical Integrated Levels (CILs), the approach defines optimal maintenance inspection intervals. This research enhances sustainable LED lighting management in public libraries, offering a framework adaptable to broader applications and aligned with human-centric goals.

Human-centric assetmanagement; LED reliability;performance-basedreliability assessment;lifespan prediction;inspection intervals; AI/ML
National Category
Civil Engineering
Research subject
Research Centres, Sustainable Energy Research Centre (SERC)
urn:nbn:se:du-49699 (URN)10.1080/10589759.2024.2425800 (DOI)2-s2.0-85209644664 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Energy Agency, P2022-00277
Available from: 2024-11-15 Created: 2024-11-15 Last updated: 2025-01-27
Yasir, K., Shen, J. & Lin, J. (2024). Sustainable Logistics: Synergizing Passive Design and PV–Battery Systems for Carbon Footprint Reduction. Buildings, 14(10), Article ID 3257.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Sustainable Logistics: Synergizing Passive Design and PV–Battery Systems for Carbon Footprint Reduction
2024 (English)In: Buildings, E-ISSN 2075-5309, Vol. 14, no 10, article id 3257Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

As more companies strive for net-zero emissions, mitigating indirect greenhouse gasemissions embedded in value chains—especially in logistics activities—has become a critical priority.In the European logistics sector, sustainability and energy efficiency are receiving growing attention,given the sector’s intersectional role in both transportation and construction. This transition towardlow-carbon logistics design not only reduces carbon emissions but also yields financial benefits,including operational cost savings and new market opportunities. This study examines the impactof passive design strategies and low-carbon technologies in a Swedish logistics center, assessedusing the low-carbon design criteria from the BREEAM International standard, version 6. Thefindings show that passive energy-efficient measures, such as the installation of 47 skylights fornatural daylighting, reduced light power density in accordance with AHSHARE 90.1-2019 and theintegration of free night flushing, contribute to a 23% reduction in total energy consumption. Inaddition, the integration of 600 PV panels and 480 batteries with a capacity of 268 ampere-hours and13.5 kWh storage, operating at 50 volts, delivers a further 56% reduction in carbon emissions. Byoptimizing the interaction between passive design and active low-carbon technologies, this researchpresents a comprehensive feasibility analysis that promotes sustainable logistics practices whileensuring a future-proof, low-carbon operational model.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
MDPI, 2024
BREEAM International; passive design; night flushing; integrated lighting asset management; sustainable warehouses; sustainable logistic center; PV–battery system; PV system self-consumption; PV system self-sufficiency; PV system grid interaction: Levelized Cost of Electricity
National Category
Energy Systems
urn:nbn:se:du-49503 (URN)10.3390/buildings14103257 (DOI)001343576800001 ()2-s2.0-85207359911 (Scopus ID)
Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education (STINT) (Grant no: CH2019-8225)
Available from: 2024-10-15 Created: 2024-10-15 Last updated: 2024-11-29Bibliographically approved
Shen, J. (2023). A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies: Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries. In: 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2023 proceedings: . Paper presented at 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Aalborg, Denmark on 12-14 June 2023. Aalborg, Denmark
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies: Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries
2023 (English)In: 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2023 proceedings, Aalborg, Denmark, 2023Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Aalborg, Denmark: , 2023
Lighting, Digital Twin
National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:du-47215 (URN)
13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Aalborg, Denmark on 12-14 June 2023
Available from: 2023-11-03 Created: 2023-11-03 Last updated: 2023-11-07Bibliographically approved
Shen, J., Zhang, X., Mylly, N. & Lin, J. (2023). A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies. Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2654(1)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies. Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries
2023 (English)In: Journal of Physics, Conference Series, ISSN 1742-6588, E-ISSN 1742-6596, Vol. 2654, no 1Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Most lighting is only designed to meet the visual needs in most public libraryenvironments in Sweden. Although lighting-related impacts are relevant to six Unite Nationssustainability goals, some important lighting considerations, such as circadian phase disruption,mode and productivity impact, and energy-efficient operation, are missing in current lightingoperating practices. Moreover, most of the current lighting asset management practice in publicbuildings remains “fix it if only it breaks”. With respect to people-centric health factors, visualindex, and lighting asset energy-efficient operation, this study sublimates lighting into a newperspective. Finally, the suggested comprehensive lighting operating strategies integratingdigital twins can help designers and operators in defining the optimal design/control strategy inpublic-built environments, like public library. Digital twin-based decision-making is expected tobe applied to lighting design and control in public spaces that improves visual acuity and comfort,positively impact mood and productivity, and provides recommendations on engagementprinciples under Environment Social Governance (ESG) framework to asset manager/operators.

National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-49387 (URN)10.1088/1742-6596/2654/1/012139 (DOI)
Available from: 2024-09-23 Created: 2024-09-23 Last updated: 2024-09-23Bibliographically approved
Zhang, X., Shen, J., Huang, P. & Saini, P. (2023). A Preliminary Simulation Study About the Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Energy Demand of a Building Mix at a District in Sweden. In: Zhang, Xingxing, Huang, Pei, Sun, Yongjun (Ed.), Future Urban Energy System for Buildings: The Pathway Towards Flexibility, Resilience and Optimization (pp. 49-87). Singapore: Springer Nature, Part F2770
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Preliminary Simulation Study About the Impact of COVID-19 Crisis on Energy Demand of a Building Mix at a District in Sweden
2023 (English)In: Future Urban Energy System for Buildings: The Pathway Towards Flexibility, Resilience and Optimization / [ed] Zhang, Xingxing, Huang, Pei, Sun, Yongjun, Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023, Vol. Part F2770, p. 49-87Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The COVID-19 outbreak is exacerbating uncertainty in energy demand. This chapter aims to investigate the impact of the confined measures due to COVID-19 outbreak on energy demand of a building mix in a district. Three levels of confinement for occupant schedules are proposed based on a new district design in Sweden. The Urban Modeling Interface tool is applied to simulate the energy performance of the building mix. The boundary conditions and input parameters are set up according to the Swedish building standards and statistics. The district is at early design stage, which includes a mix of building functions, i.e., residential buildings, offices, schools, and retail shops. By comparing with the base case (normal life without confinement measures), the average delivered electricity demand of the entire district increases in a range of 14.3–18.7% under the three confinement scenarios. However, the mean system energy demands (sum of heating, cooling, and domestic hot water) decrease in a range of 7.1–12.0%. These two variation nearly cancel each other out, leaving the total energy demand almost unaffected. The result also shows that the delivered electricity demands in all cases have a relatively smooth variation across a year, while the system energy demands follow the principle trends for all the cases, which have peak demands in winter and much lower demands in transit seasons and summer. This chapter represents a first step in the understanding of the energy performance for community buildings when they confront with this kind of shock. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Singapore: Springer Nature, 2023
Sustainable Development Goals Series, ISSN 2523-3084, E-ISSN 2523-3092 ; SDG: 11
Building; COVID-19; Demand; District; Energy
National Category
Energy Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-49265 (URN)10.1007/978-981-99-1222-3_11 (DOI)2-s2.0-85194576983 (Scopus ID)978-981-99-1221-6 (ISBN)978-981-99-1222-3 (ISBN)
Available from: 2024-08-26 Created: 2024-08-26 Last updated: 2024-08-26
Shen, J., Chen, Y. & Rajagopal, K. H. (2023). Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality and Sustainability in Post-Pandemic Office Settings: A Study on Displacement Ventilation Feasibility. Buildings, 13, Article ID 3110.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality and Sustainability in Post-Pandemic Office Settings: A Study on Displacement Ventilation Feasibility
2023 (English)In: Buildings, E-ISSN 2075-5309, Vol. 13, article id 3110Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed global efforts toward transitioning to a sustainable society, driving rapid innovation in building technologies, working practices, building design, and whole life cycle environmental impact consideration. In this pursuit, this study explores the enduring impact of these on an alternative ventilation approach for both existing building renovations and new building implementations. Comparing displacement ventilation to mixed-mode ventilation in a Finnish office building with varying occupancy densities, this study examines indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort, total building energy performance, and embodied carbon. The findings reveal that the basic case of mixed ventilation has a specified system primary energy value of 38.83 kWh/m2 (with 28 occupants) and 39.00 kWh/m2 (with 24 occupants), respectively. With the displacement ventilation alternative, it reduces this by 0.3% and 0.1%, enhancing thermal comfort and decreasing turbulence as well as having a marginal decrease in embodied carbon. In general, the study offers three-fold contributions: insights into post-pandemic office mechanical ventilation design with an emphasis on sustainability and ecological footprint considerations, a concrete case study addressing climate action and human-centric IAQ design, and a multifaceted analysis using the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) paradigm, contributing to the groundwork for associated future research and policy progress.

post-pandemic scenario; displacement ventilation; climate with stratification model; life cycle assessment; ecological footprint; healthy indoor quality; office layout design; integrative design process; ESG analysis
National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:du-47476 (URN)10.3390/buildings13123110 (DOI)001130889300001 ()2-s2.0-85180616463 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2023-12-15 Created: 2023-12-15 Last updated: 2024-01-19Bibliographically approved
Copertaro, B., Shen, J., Sangelantoni, L. & Zhang, X. (2022). Building Renovation Adapting to Future Climate: A Potential Solution of Phase-Change Material to Building Envelope. In: Maximilian Lackner, Baharak Sajjadi, Wei-Yin Chen (Ed.), Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: . Springer Nature
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Building Renovation Adapting to Future Climate: A Potential Solution of Phase-Change Material to Building Envelope
2022 (English)In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation / [ed] Maximilian Lackner, Baharak Sajjadi, Wei-Yin Chen, Springer Nature, 2022Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer Nature, 2022
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-36274 (URN)10.1007/978-3-030-72579-2_144 (DOI)2-s2.0-85160782330 (Scopus ID)978-3-030-72579-2 (ISBN)978-3-030-72578-5 (ISBN)
Available from: 2021-03-05 Created: 2021-03-05 Last updated: 2023-06-12Bibliographically approved
Shen, J., Copertaro, B., Sangelantoni, L. & Zhang, X. (2022). Influence of Future Climate on Building Performance and the Related Adaptive Solution to New Building Design. In: Maximilian Lackner, Baharak Sajjadi, Wei-Yin Chen (Ed.), Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: . Springer Nature
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Influence of Future Climate on Building Performance and the Related Adaptive Solution to New Building Design
2022 (English)In: Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation / [ed] Maximilian Lackner, Baharak Sajjadi, Wei-Yin Chen, Springer Nature, 2022Chapter in book (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer Nature, 2022
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:du-36272 (URN)10.1007/978-3-030-72579-2_143 (DOI)2-s2.0-85160808024 (Scopus ID)978-3-030-72579-2 (ISBN)978-3-030-72578-5 (ISBN)
Available from: 2021-03-05 Created: 2021-03-05 Last updated: 2023-06-12Bibliographically approved
Integrerad tillgångsförvaltning för belysning i allmänna bibliotek genom Digital Tvilling; Publications
Lin, J., Shen, J. & Silfvenius, C. (2024). Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries: Insights and Innovations on Its Strategy and Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 16(5), 2096-2096Lin, J., Hedekvist, P. O., Mylly, N., Bollen, M., Shen, J., Xiong, J. & Silfvenius, C. (2024). Human-Centric and Integrative Lighting Asset Management in Public Libraries: Qualitative Insights and Challenges From a Swedish Field Study. IEEE Access, 12, 40905-40921Yasir, K., Shen, J. & Lin, J. (2024). Sustainable Logistics: Synergizing Passive Design and PV–Battery Systems for Carbon Footprint Reduction. Buildings, 14(10), Article ID 3257. Shen, J. (2023). A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies: Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries. In: 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, NSB 2023 proceedings: . Paper presented at 13th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Aalborg, Denmark on 12-14 June 2023. Aalborg, DenmarkShen, J., Zhang, X., Mylly, N. & Lin, J. (2023). A Critical Review of Lighting Design and Asset Management Strategies. Illuminating Practices and Lessons Learned for Swedish Public Libraries. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, 2654(1)
ORCID iD: ORCID iD iconorcid.org/0000-0003-0239-9214

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