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Patientdelaktighet i vården vid bedsiderapportering: En litteraturstudie
Dalarna University, School of Education, Health and Social Studies, Caring Science/Nursing.
Dalarna University, School of Education, Health and Social Studies, Caring Science/Nursing.
2017 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Patient participation in care during bedside report : A literature review (English)
Abstract [sv]


: Delaktighet och personcentrerad vård är centrala begrepp i den vård som bedrivs idag. För att patienten ska vara delaktig krävs det att patienten är mer involverad i de dagliga händelserna som till exempel skiftrapportering. Vid varje skiftbyte sker överrapportering från en sjuksköterska till en annan, överrapporteringarna saknar ofta patientmedverkan. En rapporteringsmodell är bedsiderapportering vilket innebär att rapporteringen sker i patientens närvaro.


: Syftet var att beskriva patientens delaktighet i vården vid bedsiderapportering.


: En litteraturöversikt.


: Bedsiderapportering fick patienterna att känna sig delaktiga i vården, vilket delvis berodde på att de kände sig som värdefulla deltagare. Patienterna betraktades i första hand som en person. Både patienter och sjuksköterskor ansåg att rapporteringssättet var avgörande för patientens delaktighet i vården. De flesta patienter uppskattade att få vara med i rapporteringen och få viktig information som de ansåg sig ha rätt till. Dock ville inte alla patienter delta, vilket bland annat berodde på att rapporten ansågs vara till för sjuksköterskor.


: Bedsiderapportering ökade patientens delaktighet i vården enligt både patienten och sjuksköterskan. Dock ville inte alla patienter delta i rapporteringen och graden av delaktighet var beroende av på vilket sätt rapporten gavs.

Abstract [en]


: Participation and person-centered care are key concepts in the care that are being given today. In order for the patient to participate, they must be involved in the daily work such as shift reporting. At each shift, reporting occurs from one nurse to another which often lacks patient involvement. A reporting model is bedside report, which means reporting takes place in the patient's presence.


: The aim of this study was to describe patient’s participation in care during bedside report.


: A literature review.


: Bedside report made patients feel more involved in their care, partly because they felt valued as a participant in the report. The patients were considered a person in the first hand. Both patients and nurses felt that the reporting method was crucial for the participation. Most patients appreciated being included in the reporting and that they received valuable information that they considered justifiable. However, not all patients wanted to participate, which was due, among other things, to the fact that the report was considered for the nurses.


: Bedside report increased patient involvement in care, according to both the patient and the nurse. However, not all patients wanted to participate and the reporting method were important for the level of participation.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
bedside report, literature review, participation, person-centered care, shift report
Keywords [sv]
bedsiderapportering, delaktighet, litteraturstudie, personcentrerad vård, skiftrapportering.
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-25155OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-25155DiVA, id: diva2:1108061
Available from: 2017-06-12 Created: 2017-06-12

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