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Similarity in collectivistic business values among family running business in China and in Italy
Högskolan Dalarna, Akademin Humaniora och medier, Kinesiska.
2020 (engelsk)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hpOppgave
Abstract [en]

The aim of the research was to find similarities in family business values between two countries with focus on collectivistic values. The research basis for the study was accordingly two different countries Chine and Italy with different historical, cultural and social background and values, which they applied in their family running business. According to the literature review we can see that China due to its cultural and historical heritage is described as the source of collectivistic values, what distinguishes this country from western countries (Lee, 1996). Contrarily, Italy belongs to western countries, which according to authors differentiate itself by its individualism. (Hofstede, 1995). However, other findings stated that also Italy is a source collectivistic values evidenced together with paternalism.   Following the existing findings, it was therefore deductively affirmed that collectivism must not be exclusively limited to Chinese but is also present in Italian family business management.  Accordingly with the research question of the thesis “Are there similar collectivistic business values among family running business within two fairly distinct nations, China and Italy? What are they?” this research confirmed the evidence of collectivistic values in both countries, nevertheless the analysis disclosed similarities and inequalities between them. The findings from the present study indicate collectivistic values: listening, selfdedication, teamwork and collaboration, which are characteristic for family business in China and Italy. Additionally we can observe a dynamic evolvement in patterns that tend to be more individualistic than collectivistic in case of China or contrarily are turning to be more collectivistic in case of Italy.

Abstract [zh]

 本论文的研究目的是找出两个国家之间家族企业价值观的相似之处,重点是 集体主义价值观。 因此,本研究以中国和意大利这两个具有不同的历史、文 化、社会背景和价值观的国家为研究对象来研究作用于这两个国家家族企业 的价值观。我们看到,西方和东方存在很大的差异,但是我们还是可以在两 者之中找到有趣的相似之处和相同的价值观。据文献,我们可以看到,中 国由于其文化和历史遗产,被认定为集体主义文化, 这与西方国家有区别。 相反,意大利属于西方国家,被认定为一个个人主义文化的国家。然而,其 它研究也表明,意大利文化中也有集体主义价值观,这与族长制密切相关, 都是意大利的家族企业价值之一。因此,据现有研究结果,可以推断出集 体主义不限于中国家族企业,在意大利家族企业管理中也存在。  尽管中国和意大利是两个有着不同文化背景的国家,但这项研究证实了这 两个国家都拥有集体主义价值观。分析也揭示了它们之间的相似性和差异性 。  本文的研究问题是:“在中国和意大利这两个截然不同的国家中,家族企 业之间是否存在着类似的集体主意商业价值? 这些是什么?”。本研究的研 究结果表明集体价值观:倾听,自我奉献,团队合作和协作,是中国和意大 利 家族企业共有的特征。另外我们也观察到一个发展趋势,中国现在更倾向 于个人主义而非集体主义,而意大利则更倾向于集体主义。实证研究的结果 表明,两国家族企业主都强调倾听是获得高绩效和满意度的最显著方面,加 上个人对公司的奉献和牺牲,表明了中意家族企业之间的相似之处。相比之 下,我们也看到了两个国家之间在追求 卓越并维持内部规则上存在明显的差 距。虽然团队合作在公司组织文化中起着重要作用,并且在两个国家都存在 。但如果有选择,中国家族企业更喜欢熟练的工人而不是团队合作。

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Emneord [en]
family running business, Italian context, Chinese context, similarity, collectivism
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-35079OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-35079DiVA, id: diva2:1472195
Tilgjengelig fra: 2020-10-01 Laget: 2020-10-01

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