This research focuses majorly on student’s perspective towards the Bingel gamebasedplatform and the challenges students face when using the game-basedlearning platform. Connectivism theory is used in the discussion, while the studyis a mixed research design where both quantitative and qualitative researchprovides more substantial evidence. A questionnaire survey was the primary formof data collection, with the population sample consisting of children aged between10 and 11 years. As part of the study’s findings, most students have positiveperceptions regarding the Bingel learning platform. Most of the students believethe gaming platform enhances their level of involvement and satisfaction. A highnumber also consider learning English through the Bingel platform to be enjoyableand fun, with a few pondering to quit it due to certain challenges. According to thefindings, some of these challenges include poor learning habits, negative feelingsamong students and antisocial behaviour. To minimize these challenges, theresearch suggests further research on different age-groups to compare student’sperspectives and determine the long-term implication of the gaming platform onstudents’ success.
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