Investigation on the Influences of TV & Movies on Tourism Image of Destination: Case study of Hengdian World Studios
2016 (engelsk)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 poäng / 15 hp
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the influences of movie and TV on tourism image of destination. This research has taken Hengdian World Studio as an example. The researchers have used the methods of case study and in-depth interview analysis. The participants in interview include tourists, citizens and tour guides in Hengdian World Studios.Integrating analysisof case study and interview, the researchercame to the conclusion that TV and movie indeed exert great influences on tourism image of the destination and the influences includeboth positive and negative aspects. In positive aspect, TV and movies,as important media platforms,can greatly and quickly spread the influences and enable more audiences to start paying attention to the destination. Furthermore, TV and movies can also help to directly increase number of visitors to the destination. Gradually, through shaping symbolic values in TV and movies, theycan also turn more audience to visitors andalsoenable Hengdian to develop into a famous brand in movie and TVtourismindustry.More audiencescan transformtheir virtual feelings they had in TV or movies into actual experiencesthrough visiting the destinationand participating in activitiesor games in the destination.
First, it can continuously contribute to local tourism industrial development. Moreover, italso extendsthe influences and reshapesthetourismimage of Hengdian as famous film studios. Hengdian World Studios also finds its way to becomean ideal destination for more audiences. However, withincreasing numbers of visitorscoming to Hengdianand moviesto be filmed within the studios, it may also cause the problemsmisread of local culture, separationbetween virtuality in TV and movie and realityof thedestination, and other problems inenvironment pollutionor overload, etc.These negative impacts will not leave good impressions on tourists. Thus, in the long run, it will not sustain a good imageof the destination.Itis of vital importanceto make joint efforts to have more supervision and regulationon tourism management withinthe 3
studiosin the purposes of continuouslydelivering goodservices to visitors and reshapingthe tourismimage of Hengdian World Studios.
sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Emneord [en]
Tourism image, destination image, Hengdian World Studio, formulation of tourismimage, positiveand negative impact
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-21812OAI:, id: diva2:940491