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Asymmetrical awnings: a way to increase daylight in buildings without increasing the overheating
Högskolan Dalarna, Akademin Industri och samhälle, Miljöteknik.
2006 (Engelska)Ingår i: Eurosun 2006, Glasgow, Scotland, 2006Konferensbidrag, Publicerat paper (Övrigt vetenskapligt) Published
Abstract [en]

Different shapes of asymmetric awnings for east and west windows are investigated mathematically as well as by measurement in a model. A box with 90 cm side and a 30x30 cm window was placed outdoor in overcast weather and the daylight factor was measured at the bottom of the box when the window was unshaded or equipped with different awnings. The average daylight factor in the box decreased from 4.6% for the unshaded window to 1.0% when a full awning was used. With “the best” asymmetrical awning, the average daylight factor was 80% larger than with the full awing. Using Dutch climate, calculation of the energy from direct radiation transmitted through the window during the cooling season showed that this was decreased from 100% as an annual mean for the unshaded window down 22% with a full awing. With “the best” asymmetrical awning, 26% of the energy was transmitted. Calculation of the indoor temperature in a hypothetical row house in Netherlands show that the use of either normal or asymmetrical awnings considerable decrease the indoor temperature during the hot season. Therefore the use of asymmetrical awnings for east or west faced windows considerable can increase the daylight in buildings, with almost no change in overheating, compared to if traditional awnings are used.

Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Glasgow, Scotland, 2006.
Nyckelord [en]
Awnings, daylight, overheating, window
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-2133OAI: oai:dalea.du.se:2133DiVA, id: diva2:521617
Eurosun 2006 , Glasgow, Scotland, 27-30/6, 2006
Tillgänglig från: 2006-05-29 Skapad: 2006-05-29 Senast uppdaterad: 2012-04-24Bibliografiskt granskad

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