This study is exploring tourism destination perceived image of Stockholm amongChinese students. This paper could offer some academic value for future studies on thedestination image of Stockholm. Besides, this paper may be useful for marketers topromote Stockholm toward Chinese youth/students travel market. Cognitive imageand affective image characteristics were examined.This thesis used quantitative method to analyze the destination image among Chinesestudents. The questionnaire survey was used to investigate cognitive image andaffective image among Chinese students who studying in Stockholm University. Ingeneral, respondents had a positive image of Stockholm. They focused on what to seeand to do as well as the social environment of Stockholm. Happy/ laid back are theitems that reflects the respondents‘ feelings about staying in Stockholm, which is arelax place that makes tourists have a chance to feel the stress free lifestyle. They alsoenjoy the beautiful scenery, friendly local people atmosphere, the cultural attractions,local architectures, good outdoor air condition and water condition of Stockholm aswell. In their opinions, those mentioned attributes were important to constructing thedestination image of Stockholm.