The presented study investigates how rural tourism destinations can benefit from a mega sport event that is hosted in a city nearby. This is done by examining the case study of Camp Norway, an initiative of the municipality of Rättvik, which was hosted during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championship in Falun 2015. For this purpose semi-structured interviews were conducted with several key stakeholders and members of the steering committee of the project. The research aimed to answer what the concept was actually about, what the stakeholders expected, how they collaborated and how they evaluate the project. It was explored that a main intention of the project was to bring the tourism stakeholders of the municipality together and thus enhance their collaboration for the future. Although the expectations concerning visitor numbers and economic benefits were too high and have not been met, the overall concept evaluation is still very positive. This is due to the fact that the actors have recognised the importance of close stakeholder collaborations especially in the rural tourism industry and have successfully established a common ground for future projects in Rättvik. The case of Camp Norway can be taken as an example also for other rural tourism destinations, how to improve local stakeholder collaboration by innovatively benefitting from nearby events.