This paper focuses on the evaluation of a rural event, both from a social perspective evaluating the event and the tourist and visitors it attracts and from an economic perspective. Given the modern situation of rural destinations and its shifting economy, the importance of turning towards event tourism becomes paramount. The research presents the case of the Classic Car Week, a rural festival held during week 31 in Rättvik, in the region of Dalarna, Sweden. The study is based on surveys collected during the 2016 edition. The authors analyzed the data and extrapolated statistical information to gather knowledge on the average visitor and its interests. The social focused tourism and event section of the research revolves around Crompton’s instrument of motivator measurement to establish the pull factors which attract visitors to the event. This is done by analyzing their expectation, satisfaction and decision-making. The economic analysis of the study presents the calculations made by the authors on the total estimat accomodation expenses based on guest nights in Rättvik (35000) during week leading up to the event and during CCW, week 30 and 31. A estimated max and minimum senario was made were the calculated max accomodation expenses was 7 031 793 SEK while the minimum was estimated to 4 714 177 SEK. Similarly, a max and min scenario was also calculated on the estimated total daily expenses, resulting in a max approximation of 7 087 107 and a min of 4 746 521. Together the estimated max and min accommodation and daily expenses was summed to create a max and min scenario of the total spending in the area. With a max scenario of 14 118 900 SEK and a minimum scenario of 9 460 698 SEK. Illustrating a part of the economical impact that he municipality receives as a direct result of the event.