This paper will explore two areas: the promotion of Ulster-Scots, particularly in northern Europe, as a minority language and culture; and the opportunities for Dalarna University to support virtual mobility and foster a sustainable research network.
The Dalarna Centre for Irish Studies (DUCIS) is well established in the Nordic countries, has strong links with existing networks, such as the Nordic Irish Studies Network and the Nordic Association of English Studies, and produces the Nordic Irish Studies journal in-house; all of which could help to facilitate the development of Ulster-Scots studies in northern Europe and beyond.
Dalarna University is also a leading institution for online learning, and has a new research profile in Intercultural Studies. The existing online learning platforms that we can offer could be used to cultivate and support collegiality, research opportunities and educational resources. As well as providing an online meeting space for the network (with technical support), our online learning environment is currently used to teach 11 languages, including English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian; and thus this paper will suggest that there are possibilities for the development of educational resources, specifically through the development of online co-taught courses in minority cultures and languages in Europe.