The current Thesis sought to identify and analyse the concept of humanitarian intervention in theory and practice and the resulting legal, ethical and political dilemmas. Along with this objective the question is raised if these dilemmas are a reason why the concept of humanitarian intervention is so rarely used in world politics.
Th theoretical part, that contains the main statements of the existing research about this topic, will be followed by case study of the NATO intervention in Libya in 2011.
While some dilemmas seem crucial from a theoretical point of view they turn out to be marginal in a concrete case. Furthermore, one comes to the conclusion that these dilemmas are not the main reason behind the rare use of the concept. The international community is rather reluctant when it comes to inference, as the intervening forces need to see an own strategic and geopolitical interest in the intervention. If this is not the case interventions for the protection of Human Rights are unlikely to be launched.