This paper looks at changing emancipative and secular values amongst those under 29 in Sweden. The aims of this paper are to explore the relationship between globalization, post-materialism and changing values. This is done through a cross-sectional design with case study elements. The survey data is collected from the World Value Surveys and the study uses theories on post-materialism and globalization to try to explain the causes for the shift in values and the importance of cultural insecurity. The case of Sweden is used as it is extreme in terms of post-materialism. The political landscape in Sweden is described, and the dominance of post-materialist values in society. Spearmans rho correlation is used to test the relationships between the variables chosen to represent economic and cultural insecurity, and emancipative and secular values. The results show that cultural insecurity has a greater effect on emancipative and secular values than economic insecurity and that those who were more insecure held lower emancipative values, but higher secular values. This, it was argued, is due to post-materialism being multi-dimensional and able to create illiberal values in the face of cultural insecurity. The correlations were however weak, and further research is needed to understand the shift in values better.