Little is known about the values that older people consider important in receipt of home help. Therefore, this study aimed to explore which values older people hold in relation to home help services and their experiences of how these values are reflected in the delivery of help. Interviews were conducted from November 2015 to March 2016 with 16 older persons (age ≥65 years) who received home help at the time of the study. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results identified values that older people find important in home help and suggest behaviours that should underpin home help, such as supporting the older person’s independence, building a reciprocal relationship and promoting a sense of safety and security (e.g., by providing information about what home help entails for the recipient). We conclude that it is important that care staff recognise and integrate these values into their actions on an interpersonal level in daily care, adopting a relation-oriented rather than a task-focused approach in the provision of home help for older people.