A review of digital forensics today shows that it could be exposed to threats jeopardizing the digital evidence integrity. There are several techniques to countermeasure this risk, one of which is the method that involves the use of blockchains. Blockchains use an advanced system to keep the data within it persistent and transparent, which makes it a natural candidate for everything integrity-sensitive. Several blockchain techniques and infrastructures have been described in this study, based on previous studies and other literature work. Interviews and experiments made a comparison between traditional digital forensic methodologies versus blockchains possible in later chapters. The results showed that blockchains could be the answer to securing digital evidence integrity. However, there is still a lot more work to be done before blockchains are ready to be implemented in production systems. The results of the blockchain analysis are presented such that they can be used as an aid to further research, either theoretically or practically, digital evidence blockchains.