Vad är meningen med religionskunskapsämnet?: Fyra svenska forskares syn på ämnets mening i jämförelsemed fem engelska religionsdidaktiska modeller
2018 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
: What is the meaning of religious education in Sweden? Four Swedishscholars interpretation in comparison with British models of strate-gies and principles on religious education (English)
Abstract [en]
The aim of this literature study is to find out how four Swedish scholars identify themeaning of the subject religious education in Sweden. Thereafter the result of theSwedish scholars interpretation is to be compared with British theories on how religiouseducation may be applied in schools through different strategies and principlesdeveloped by five different RE scholars.The method used in this thesis is a systematic literature study with a qualitative hermeneuticmethod. The empirical literature is analyzed and interpreted by me and thereafterplaced in the right context to read how the scholars view the subject. Accordingto the scholars and the Swedish curriculum, the results showed that the Swedishscholars have a similar view on what they think is the meaning with RE. The fundamentalidea is that the education should be child-centered and evolve around pupilsknowledge, background and abilities to attain the purpose of the subject. Which willlead to an immersed knowledge, understanding, respect and tolerance for different religiouspositions.Both the British and the Swedish scholars agreed that the dominating secular and atheistpoint of view in the classrooms and in the society, constitutes challenges for theteachers to apply the different strategies to achieve the meaning of RE. The Swedishscholars opine that the RE needs to contribute to learning about and learning fromreligions through different perspectives that show religions from the inside perspectiveand the outside perspective.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
religion, didactics, religious education Sweden, inside perspective, outside perspective, learning about, learning from
Keywords [sv]
religionsdidaktik, religionsundervisning Sverige, inifrånperspektiv, utifrånperspektiv learning about, learning from
National Category
Religious Studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-28021OAI:, id: diva2:1228156