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Förekomsten av aggressionsnivå bland utövare i sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom
Dalarna University, School of Education, Health and Social Studies, Sport and Health Science.
2018 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
The aggression levels among practitioners in swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing (English)
Abstract [en]


The purpose of the study was to investigate if the aggression levels differs between the sports swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing. There is no knowledge of aggression levels in these sports in a Swedish context.


Quantitative method was used for data collection in the study and 66 questionnaires were distributed to men and women in swimming, thaiboxing and slalom skiing. A validated questionnaire, The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), was translated into Swedish. The factors that were investigated in the questionnaire were verbal aggression, anger, hostility and physical aggression and the questionnaire included 29 statements. In total, 65 participants answered the questionnaire and the response rate was 98 %. Descriptive statistics were used to investigate differences in aggression levels, gender, age and sport. The age of the participants was divided into three categories, under 20, from 20-29 and over 30.


The results showed that there were significant differences in aggression levels between the different sports. The aggression levels were highest in slalom and lowest in swimming. In addition, the results showed that there is a gender difference between women and men and men had higher aggression. In total, the men in slalom had the highest levels of aggression while the women in swimming had the lowest levels. The women in thaiboxing had the highest levels of aggression among all women. Finally, the results showed that the aggression levels were lowest among those over 30 years.


This study shows that there are differences in aggression levels among sports swimming, thaiboxing and slalom, and that there are gender differences. Men in slalom skiing had the highest levels of aggression while the women in swimming had the lowest. The conclusion is that in sports with high level of aggression it is beneficial to discuss and learn how to deal with the aggression.

Abstract [sv]

Syfte och frågeställningar

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om aggressionsnivån skiljer sig mellan de olika sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom. Det saknas kunskap om aggressionsnivåer i dessa sporter i en svensk kontext.


Kvantitativ metod användes för datainsamling i denna studie och 66 enkäter delades ut till aktiva kvinnor och män i sporterna simning, thaiboxning och slalom. En validerad enkät, The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), användes översatt till svenska. De olika faktorer som undersöktes i enkäten var verbal aggression, ilska, fientlighet och fysisk aggression. Sextiofem deltagare besvarade enkäten och svarsfrekvensen i studien var 98%. Deskriptiv statistik användes för att undersöka skillnader i aggressionsnivåer, kön, ålder och sport. Deltagarna delades upp i tre ålderskategorier, yngre än 20, mellan 20 - 29 och över 30 år.


Resultaten visade att det finns signifikanta skillnader i aggressionsnivå mellan de olika sporterna. Aggressionsnivåer var högst bland slalomåkare och lägst i sporten simning. Dessutom visade resultaten att det är skillnad mellan kvinnor och män och män hade högre aggression. De slalomåkande männen hade högst i sammanlagda poäng medan kvinnorna i simning hade lägst. Thaiboxande kvinnor hade högst bland kvinnorna i den sammanlagda poängen. Avslutningsvis visade studien att personer över 30 år hade lägre aggressionsnivå än yngre.


Studien visar att det fanns skillnader i aggressionsnivå mellan utövare i thaiboxning, slalom och simning. Männen i slalom skattade högst i alla aspekter som mätte aggression förutom fientlighet medan kvinnorna i simning skattade lägst. Slutsatser som dras är att i de sporter där det är hög aggressionsnivå kan det vara bra att jobba med sin ilska och lära sig att hantera den.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
Aggression, The Aggression Questionnaire, swimming, thaiboxing, slalom skiing
Keywords [sv]
Aggressioner, The Aggression Questionnaire, simning, thaiboxning, slalom
National Category
Sport and Fitness Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-28156OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-28156DiVA, id: diva2:1232433
Available from: 2018-07-11 Created: 2018-07-11 Last updated: 2025-02-11

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