Assessments for student influence? The aim of this article is to analyse the relation between assessments and student influence. This is done with examples from ethnographic material, with classroom observations and student and teacher interviews, by analysing two teachers’ pedagogic practices. The teachers were chosen since one teacher, in the interviews with the students, were mentioned as an example of having good pedagogic practice while the other as an example of the opposite. This was interesting because the first teacher left few possibilities to exercise influence while the other emphasised the students to exercise influence quite often. However, in none of the teachers’ pedagogic practices students’ own actions to influence were common. Here the teachers’ assessments seemed to be of great importance. Both teachers examined facts, and the most rational response from the students then were to ask the teachers to stand by the white board telling them what to learn for exams, rather than trying to influence the content of the pedagogic practice with contents of their own interest. The analysis demonstrate that if the students experience examinations as fixed, their motivation to influence the pedagogic practices seems demolished, regardless teachers intentions.
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