English is a language of great importance for Swedish people. The language helps Swedes to communicate with people on an international level and is often encountered in areas such as school, work, politics and entertainment. In order to learn a new language in school young pupils need to find a purpose with the new language, spark an interest to learn and the teaching needs to be fun to keep the interest in learning. Teachers often vary their lessons to reach pupils in their way of learning and to make the learning more interesting. Studies show that pupils often like to be read to and reading in general is viewed upon as entertaining and fun. Therefore, this empirical study made with interviews and a questionnaire was used to find out if children’s and young adult literature are used as a tool to bring more English language into the classrooms. The outcome of this study showed that teachers had a positive view on using literature. Four out of the six teachers who participated in the interview and eight of the twelve teachers who participated in the questionnaire used English literature in their teaching.