ecoINSIDE2 is an EU financed collaborative project between Sweden and Norway that focus on environment friendly driven business development. In the summer 2018 ecoINSIDE started their second project period. They have a well-established plan for external communication and when they hold face-to-face meetings the communication and collaboration work well. However, the internal, digital communication does not work on a satisfying level. So, to change the current situation this research uses Enterprise Modeling to map out, analyze and find ways to improve the internal communication. The research focuses on three questions: Question 1. What difficulties/challenges arise in communication and interaction within a cross-border collaboration project? Question 2. How can Enterprise modeling be used to develop/improve communication and interaction in complex collaborations? Question 3. What aspects need to be considered in the start-up of similar projects to create the best possible conditions for communication and interaction? By using document studies, questionnaires and seven interviews, the goals, problems and the structure of the project have been identified. With the help of these models eight solutions was created to address 18 communication problems identified. Out from these eight solutions a set of recommendations has been created that would benefit ecoINSIDE2 and if they are implemented, they could solve many of the problems by chain reactions in the problem-structure. In this report, the three research questions have been answered with the help of the problem model, the solutions and how well the models could contribute to the work of empowerment of the communication. This research also aims at providing valuable insight to new projects as how they can avoid the problems that have occurred in the project ecoINSIDE2.