Translation of manga is a growing segment of the translating industry, but the task of translating from Japanese to a Western language is not always so simple, as there are many cultural and grammatical differences. This paper discusses the types of translation problems encountered in the manga, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, by Hirohiko Araki, and how the problems were solved in two different translations; official translation and fan translation, both with English as the target language. The investigation was done by carefully reading the original Japanese version of the manga for the sake of identifying cases with translation problems, after that the two translations were analysed in order to find the tendencies in translation strategies used. The result of this study underlines that the most common problem types to this particular series are onomatopoeia, role language and register, which are also some aspects where Japanese and English differ greatly. The translation strategies used for these problems vary to some extent between the translations, but are still unexpectedly close in many cases. However, even though the fan translation strategies are close to the professional to some extent, the accuracy, in general, does not reach the level of a professional translation.