Sammanhållet, övergripande och meningsfullt: Vad ett tematiskt organiserat arbetssätt i skolämnet svenska kan innebära för barn, ungdomar och pedagoger
2020 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Coherent, all-embracing and meaningful. What a thematic working method can imply for children, teenagers and teachers in the school subject Swedish. The aim of this literature study is to investigate what thematic working method can involve in different educational settings, as well as what possible strength and weaknesses there might be to this type of pedagogy. When teaching the national curriculum there is freedom for teachers to design their own subject content and delivery method. This might mean that the traditional approach of teaching a single subject is exchanged, partly or completely, for a more cross- curricular method. The result show that thematic working method is a way to create a more coherent, allembracing and meaningful way of learning. The teaching is gathered around an idea or a concept, and the pedagogy emphasizes problem solving and active participation where the learners can influence the content, often according to their interests. The thematic lessons are mostly planned and organised by a team of teachers and the lessons are often longer than the average lesson and often extended over a long period of time. Additionally, the connection with the local society is emphasized, in terms of project collaborations, and teaching often deal with authentic tasks. Themes can be explored within a single subject or in a combination of subjects. In the subject of Swedish on upper secondary level themes in literature are an integrated part of the national curriculum which makes it easy to facilitate a thematic approach within the subject. Additionally, Swedish is a core subject in the school system in Sweden and there are many opportunities to combine the subject with others throughout the school years. Furthermore, the national tests in Swedish for upper secondary students are organized around themes. Upper secondary teachers in Swedish frequently wish for an increase in the integration with other subjects, but the individual teacher code and/or organisational aspects of the school might make this difficult to achieve. A negative aspect of thematic teaching is that it is time-consuming to plan and organise, while a positive aspect of the pedagogy is that it is no sharp boundaries between interests, school and local (and global) society. In a Swedish upper secondary examination setting, thematically designed authentic tasks can prepare students for working life. This study points towards the need for further research in the field, especially in regard to Swedish upper secondary education and the 2011 National Curriculum, Gy11, as well as the connection between teaching the subject Swedish and the thematically organized national tests in the subject Swedish.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
thematic learning, cross-curricular, inter-disciplinary
Keywords [sv]
tematiskt, tema, temaarbete, undervisning, ämnesövergripande, ämnesintegrering, svenskundervisning, svenskämne, gymnasiet
National Category
Specific Languages
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-33822OAI:, id: diva2:1437634