The paper presents descriptive findings from the interviews conducted with young children (3.5-5 years old) from a preschool section of a centre for newcomers in a municipality receiving a big number of people from immigrant and refugee backgrounds. Young participants of the interviews (n=8) have Syrian, Iraqi, Eritrean and Palestinian backgrounds. The children were asked about their favourite ways of playing and their favourite toys. In this paper the term newcomers is used to indicate children, arrived from foreign countries to Sweden for various reasons such as being members of asylum seekers' families or for a family reunion with relatives already granted a persmission to stay in Sweden. Previous research (Kirova (2010), Kirova-Petrova (2002), Dachyshyn and Kirova (2008)) presents play as a context for exploring representations of cultural scripts, miscommunications and transition of newcomer children. The interviews' data constitutes a part of a bigger data collected for the research project on play among newcomer children in Swedish preschool. The project is developed via system and dynamic systems perspective lenses. Group interviews as well as individual interviews were conducted depending on children's individual wish to participate or share some information. The research was approved by Swedish Ethical Board prior to the beginning. Written consent from parents alone with oral agreement from children were obtained before the interviews. Detailed analysis of interviews opens a discussion. Ethical considerations will be debated, particularly in connection to gathering data with the help of interpreters. The paper contributes to further understanding of play among newcomer children.