The Mistra Urban Futures project “analysis of urban station communities” different forms of co-creation have been a common denominator for transdisciplinary collaboration between a wide range of stakeholders related to a number of planning cases on different levels [13]. Densification in combination with mixed-use, spatial configuration and other aspects, increases the options for sustainable mobility with public transportation, bicycling and walking, thus contributes to at least five of the SDGs: goal 11, goal 3, goal 7, goal 8 and goal 13 [6].The options for densification were extensively investigated during a series of co-creation workshops among stakeholders that are involved with the regeneration of Mölnlycke urban centre, located to the West of the City of Gothenburg. A number of different planning and design tools were used throughout this process. The result of the co-creation is an experience-based assessment of strengths and weaknesses, a desired density structure from different perspectives and evaluated density scenarios for the station area. The co-creative approach using a combination of planning and design tools has the potential to raise a number of different perspectives and experiences of the stakeholders involved, when considering density and associated ecological, socio-cultural and economic factors. The results for this process can serve as a valuable supplement to desk top analysis of density and related factors when planning urban areas around transportation nodes.