To learn a new language like English takes years mostly because every word must be learnedand for many words also its derivations. To facilitate this scholastic learning process for pupilsin grades four to six a teacher must adapt the teaching method towards the pupils and theirknowledge levels. Linguistics have described methods considering how a pupil best can receive,repeat and ultimately learn vocabulary. This study aims to highlight both the methods thatSwedish grade four to six teachers report using to teach and the method´s functionality as anaid for learning English vocabulary. The data for this thesis was collected with qualitative semistructuredinterviews and a quantitative online survey. The responses from the 36 surveyparticipants and five interviewed teachers show that teachers are using most of the teachingmethods presented in this paper. The interviewees included several other teaching methods aswell in their responses. However, this thesis concentrates only on a selection of methods forteaching vocabulary and since the digital revolution adds an unknown number of new teachingmethods it can only be partial compared to all other digital and non-digital vocabulary teachingmethods that are available. The utilization of the typical Swedish approach shows that theteachers have both a positive and a negative attitude towards the teaching materials they tendto use because they use it on the other hand, they do not complete it with certain exercises ifthe books do not contain them.