Worry about the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden
The purpose of this study is to provide insight into individuals’ degree of worrying about the corona pandemic in Sweden. Using survey data (n=3,040), we study: 1) how widespread worrying about the corona pandemic is; 2) what aspects of the pandemic people worry about; 3) differences in the level of worrying among demographic and socio-economic groups; 4) the extent to which worries are related to factors such as personality, religiosity, political orientation, trust, and risk perceptions; and 5) consequences of worrying for social contacts and quality of life, as well as for behaviours and opinions in relation to government recommendations. Results show that worrying about the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden is widespread and primarily about one’s own or relatives’ health. Moreover, we find evidence of group differences, where elderly, women, and those with lower incomes articulate higher levels of worry. Several explanatory factors are linked to worrying about the pandemic. In particular, risk perceptions explain a large share of variation between individuals and groups. While those who worry more report greater compliance with authorities’ recommendations and reduced social activities, they also report a lower quality of life during the pandemic.
Sociologisk Forsknings digitala arkiv