This study explores re-creation processes, through transmedia storytelling, that are made visible in the Swedish TV-programme Helt lyriskt (2018), where music artists transmediate Swedish poems into songs. The aim is to analyse, through a close-reading method, two episodes of Helt lyriskt in order to discuss how processes of transmedia storytelling make literary analyses visible and accessible to the general public. The analysis shows that the episodes employ pedagogical strategies to encourage the audience to partake in, and learn about, poetry and how to conduct literary analyses. One strategy is to illuminate the artists’ interpretation and analysis processes. Thus, the audience experiences the textual and musical adaptations that the artist Molly Sandén makes in her re-creation of Edith Södergran’s “Vierge moderne” (1916), in which she transfers the main theme of the poem, the early twentieth-century modern woman, to a song intended for the modern woman of today. Another strategy, brought up in relation to Annika Norlin’s re-creation of Karin Boye’s “I rörelse” (1927), is to question what liberties may be taken with a literary work, when she adopts the main theme of the poem, to always strive for more, by adding self-composed lyrics to the poem.
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