The thesis at hand has the aim to explore the role climate change plays within the Germanmillennials’ travel behaviour. A special focus is also put on the role the perceived importanceof travel plays within this.The research was conducted by means of quantitative data collection, using self-completiononline questionnaires as the research instrument and the selected sample consists of Germanmillennials which were born between 1980 and 2000. Throughout the thesis the conceptsclimate change, including the awareness of impacts as well as consideration of climate changein travel behaviour and the value-action gap, perceived importance of travel, millennials’ travelbehaviour and social changes are discussed based on findings from past research.The results indicate that there is a high awareness and acceptance of responsibility of theindividual to protect the climate; however, this awareness only rarely translates into climateconscious travel behaviour. The perceived importance of travel is one of the biggest barriersmillennials face on their way to consider the climate more in their travel behaviour. This is dueto the fact that even though parts of the sample deny it, the travelling is still more importantthan the impact it has on the climate. However, in the end it is not all as black and white as itseems and to some extent German millennials already started to consider the climate more. Apositive impact on this is also recognisable through environmental protests, such as FridaysFor Future, and the COVID-19-pandemic. In general, positive developments into the rightdirection were visible throughout the sample and a wave of change is apparently on its way.As millennials are one of the most influential generational cohorts within tourism and Germanyis an important tourism market, this research contributes to present an up-to-date view on howtheir behaviour changes regarding the climate.