Like many other parliamentary democracies, the government building process in Swedenstarts when all the votes are counted and it’s clear what proportion of the vote each party hasreceived. Since the country applies the proportional electoral system, which enables smallerparties to get into the Riksdag and complicates the government formation process. The aim ofthis thesis is to seek an understanding of the causes behind the Swedish governmentformation process that took place post the general elections of 2018. Thus, the study intendsto answer the following questions: How can one understand the causes behind the Swedishgovernment formation process of 2018? In what way can this be explained using the minimalconnected winning theory?The following thesis is a theory-consuming case study analyzing the causes behind thecoalition building process that led to the formation of the current Swedish government withthe help of Axelrod's minimal connected winning coalition theory and the hypothesis of theincumbent government. By applying the theory to analyze the two main ideologicaldimensions that prevail in swedish politics with special focus on the GAL–TAN dimension inrelation to the positions of all relevant parties regarding the government formation the studyhas found the following: The parties positions regarding the coalition building that led to thegovernment formation was informed by a combination of both their ideological beliefs andpolicy goals.