In the late 19th and early 20th centuries more than 4 million Italians migrated to the United States of America, a Utopia at the time. The Legend of 1900, one of my favourite movies, which is adapted from Alessandro Baricco’s monologue Nocecento and directed by Giuseppe Tornatore, depicts a story about a genius pianist 1900, who is an orphan, adopted by Danny a black coal-man from the boiler room, and whose parents are supposed to be Italian immigrants.
Due to the immigration law, 1900, who is a man without identity, visa, and any legal document, can never set a foot on the America soil. As a genius pianist performing music to amuse passengers, 1900 exists as a musician who can only live in a gigantic trans-Atlantic ship, Virginia. According to Michel Foucault’s idea about heterotopia, a ship is “a piece of floating space, a placeless place” as a vessel transporting people to their dream land. However, 1900, who is a legally unaccepted person, will never arrive Utopia by Virginia. He can only make a heterotopia, which is mirror of Utopia, a Utopia himself.
The Law makes 1900 an unacceptable person and Virginian a placeless place. However, just because of such law-made heterotopia and isolation of an individual, a genius is created. In this paper, I will illustrate how Virginian gives birth to a pianist and why 1900 at the end does not want to leave the ship to discuss the meaning of this movie and the relationship between law and space.
Breaking Boundaries: Reimagining Borders in Postcolonial and Migrant Studies. Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.