Gift exchange is at the heart of many social relationships and interactions. Various studies haveimplied that gift-giving is often based on the obligation to reciprocate, thus creating an economicexchange. The common components of gift-giving are the gift, the giver and the receiver, and theoccasion. Many studies have suggested various motives and functions for gift-giving. It is wellknown that the custom of gift-giving is an important part of Japanese culture. However, no researchis found regarding Finnish gift-giving behavior. In an effort to understand more about the diversegift exchange phenomenon, this study compares Japanese and Finnish gift-giving behavior. The aimis to examine the motivations and functions, and how the cultural values are reflected in gift-givingbehavior in both countries. For this purpose, two online surveys are conducted for both Japaneseand Finnish people. The findings are then compared with each other as well as with previousstudies. The results reveal that gift-giving behavior is relatively similar in both Japan and Finland inmany aspects, and the findings are mostly consistent with previous studies. It also seems thatwomen are a little more involved in gift-giving both in Japan and Finland.