نقد الماركسية، الشخصانية ومفهوم السَبورنَست في ضوء فلسفة نيكولاي برديايف
2022 (Arabic)In: منيرفا, ISSN 2437-0703, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 102-116Article, review/survey (Refereed) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2022. Vol. 6, no 1, p. 102-116
Keywords [ar]
برديايف، الشخص، السبورنست، المتحد الكوني، الوجودية، الماركسية، ماركس، الشيوعية، االشتراكية.
National Category
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-41341OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-41341DiVA, id: diva2:1655172
This study aims at exploring the Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev’s critique of Marxist thought and the socialism that emerged from it. It further introduces his existentialist alternative, based on a radical philosophy of the concept of personhood as well as his concept of community or communality, known in Russian thought as “the Sobornost”. This study has been conducted through a comparison of a number of Berdyaev’s texts from different periods of his life.
This study shows that Berdyaev sees that Socialism\Marxism views the human being as a part of a whole, granting priority for society, thereby using the human being as a tool for a future purpose. However, he asserts the priority of the human person, as a free and creative creature, over the entire society. Berdyaev introduces this image of human’s personhood as contradictory to the Western concept of individualism.
According to Berdyaev, the human being is not a person unless s/he communes with other persons freely and voluntarily. Thereof emerges the concept of “the Sobornost,” which consists of free persons who live according to the values of love and mutual sacrifice. He also expands this concept beyond the limits of history, creating a cosmic image of salvation.
2022-05-012022-05-012023-03-17Bibliographically approved