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Developing movement capability through a phenomenographic approach to teaching and learning
Dalarna University, School of Teacher Education, Educational Work. (Utbildning och lärande)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5656-6500
2022 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

How can teachers help students develop their movement capability if this is not a matter of learning sport skills imbued with ‘standards of excellence’ and how can teachers take into account the perspective of the learner? With regard to movement education, I propose that a fruitful starting point is to understand the way in which learners experience the problems and situations which they account in school physical education (Marton, 1995) which is, according to educational researchers, ‘the heart of the problem that teachers face in the classroom’ (Nuthall, 2004: 295). 


The insight into what learners are expected to know as well as how they know/experience this from the outset is one of the most significant aspects of teaching and learning and is therefore a fruitful starting point when planning teaching and learning movement capability. Phenomenography, and its theory of learning provides powerful ways to help learners develop their knowing in more complex ways. This approach opens up a view of teaching and learning which, instead of correcting errors, foregrounds opportunities to discern and experience ways of moving in a more complex way.



I will in this presentation present examples from a research approach named Learning study, which is a way to explore what it means to develop, learn and know aspects of movement capability.



This presentation will describe results from Learning studies conducted in collaboration with teachers in physical education showing different ways of knowing in moving as well as how the teaching can be planned to enhance students movement capability



A phenomenographic approach to teaching and learning movement capability can contribute to an alternative to traditional ‘step by step’ teaching which commonly starts with predetermined sport techniques. 

How can teachers help students develop their movement capability if this is not a matter of learning sport skills imbued with ‘standards of excellence’ and how can teachers take into account the perspective of the learner? With regard to movement education, I propose that a fruitful starting point is to understand the way in which learners experience the problems and situations which they account in school physical education (Marton, 1995) which is, according to educational researchers, ‘the heart of the problem that teachers face in the classroom’ (Nuthall, 2004: 295). 


The insight into what learners are expected to know as well as how they know/experience this from the outset is one of the most significant aspects of teaching and learning and is therefore a fruitful starting point when planning teaching and learning movement capability. Phenomenography, and its theory of learning provides powerful ways to help learners develop their knowing in more complex ways. This approach opens up a view of teaching and learning which, instead of correcting errors, foregrounds opportunities to discern and experience ways of moving in a more complex way.



I will in this presentation present examples from a research approach named Learning study, which is a way to explore what it means to develop, learn and know aspects of movement capability. 


This presentation will describe results from Learning studies conducted in collaboration with teachers in physical education showing different ways of knowing in moving as well as how the teaching can be planned to enhance students movement capability 


A phenomenographic approach to teaching and learning movement capability can contribute to an alternative to traditional ‘step by step’ teaching which commonly starts with predetermined sport techniques. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
National Category
Pedagogical Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-41830OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-41830DiVA, id: diva2:1681144
Kroppsøvingskonferansen 3-4 juni 2022, Oslo
Available from: 2022-07-05 Created: 2022-07-05 Last updated: 2023-03-17Bibliographically approved

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