The aim of this essay is to highlight the political debate regarding surrogacy, more specific:the altruistic surrogacy, in Sweden. During the last three decades the Swedish politics have started to change from its traditional social democratic standpoint to more liberal and marketfriendly position. In neoliberal countries such as the United States, Great Britain and New Zealand, surrogacy has been legalized and recent years different Swedish political parties have asked for a legalization of altruistic surrogacy. The study is a discourse analysis where I use Carol Bacchi’s approach “What’s the problem represented to be?” to see how the Swedish political debate problematize surrogacy. My second aim is to see if there are an yneoliberalistic tendencies in the Swedish political debate. I have done an idea and ideological analysis with ideal type as methodological tool. My findings shows that the problem represented in the political debate are involuntary childlessness and a juridical problem representation. Concepts as free choice and women’s right to their own bodies is used frequently in the debate. Analyzing the Swedish political debate exhibit that it consists with two opposite poles, one for and one against a legalization of altruistic surrogacy. The pole that requests a legalization also shows neoliberal tendencies in their argumentation.