The development of text understanding related to student agency and aesthetic resistance
Based on an interest in how students and their teachers make relevant cultural resources and how they manage social situations in relation to text understanding while approaching a classic drama, Molière’s The Affected Ladies, this presentation reports an empirical study, Göthberg (2019a). In literature didactics, we need to know more about how drama-text understandings may evolve in situ in educational settings since it is sparsely researched, especially in a Swedish context, although policy documents assign a pertinent role to such texts in and they are frequently used in literature education in secondary school (Göthberg, 2019b).
Related to the nature of the activities that the current participants engage in, the study can be read against a growing interest in sensory, material and collective readings (Dahlbäck, 2017; Elam & Widhe, 2015; Fatheddine, 2018; Tengberg, 2015, Widhe, 2017). For example, Persson (2015, p. 33) views the sensory and material aspects of reading as ”blind spots” in the field of literature education.
In the present study, text understanding is explored from sociocultural and dialogical approaches to meaning making, learning and creativity in a particular context of embodied, explorative and collaborative learning arrangements. In a Swedish upper secondary school, during two semesters, the participants transform drama text into stage text in a theatre production.
From an analytical perspective, the students’ choice to engage with this particular literary text, including its staging, can be seen as an act of aesthetic resistance against particular features of contemporary culture. Furthermore, the results indicate substantial student agency with potentials for students to discover their own personal voice and in meaningful ways, creatively, shape the material they are working with. Of special significance are the displays of student agency in informal situations. // Martin Göthberg
En kort biografi
Martin Göthberg arbetar som gymnasielektor i ett kombinerat uppdrag mellan Mora gymnasium och Högskolan Dalarna. Dessutom är han verksam vid teaterlärarutbildningen, Göteborgs universitet. Med bakgrund som lärare i svenska och teater samt teaterregissör skrev han sin licentiatavhandling 2015, Pimpa texten – en etnografisk studie av meningsskapande i dramatext och disputerade 2019 med Interacting – Coordinating Text Understanding in a Student Theatre Production.
Dahlbäck, K. (2017). Svenskämnets estetiska dimensioner: I klassrum, kursplaner och lärares uppfattningar. Göteborg: Acta universitatis Gothoburgensis.
Elam, K., & Widhe, O. (2015). Läslust och litterär förståelse ur ett kroppsligt perspektiv. I M. Tengberg & C. Olin-Scheller (red.), Svensk forskning om läsning och läsundervisning (ss. 171–182). Lund: Gleerups Utbildning.
Fatheddine, D. (2018). Den kroppsliga läsningen: Bildningsperspektiv på litteraturundervisning. Karlstad: Karlstads Universitet.
Göthberg, M. (2015). Pimpa Texten. En etnografisk studie av gymnasieelevers meningsskapande i dramatext [Elektronisk resurs], hämtad från
Göthberg, M. (2019a). Interacting: coordinating text understanding in a student theatre production. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet. Hämtad från
Göthberg, M. (2019b). Cultivation of a deceiver – The emergence of a stage character in a student theatre production. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, (22).
Persson, M. (2015). Att läsa runt omkring texten. I M. Jönsson & A. Öhman (red.), Litteratur och läsning: litteraturdidaktikens nya möjligheter. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Tengberg, M. (2015). Inledning. I M. Tengberg & C. Olin-Scheller (red.), Svensk forskning om läsning och läsundervisning (ss. 9–11). Lund: Gleerups Utbildning.
Widhe, O. (2017b). Estetisering och avestetisering. Nedslag i de svenska läroplanernas tal om läslust från 1906 till 2011. I B. Ljung Egeland, C. Olin-Scheller, M. Tanner & M. Tengberg (red.) Tolfte nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning: Textkulturer. Karlstad: Karlstads Universitet.