The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world and has become a hot topic in open debates and speeches among doctors and politicians. This research is a Political Discourse Analysis of speeches by Donald Trump on the Coronavirus and is based on theories and strategies in political discourse as defined by van Dijk (1997). This study consists of both quantitative and qualitative methods and focuses on the personal pronouns I and we, modal verbs, and verb forms. The main finding in this research is that Trump constantly aspired towards positive selfrepresentation, as is the primary idea in van Dijk’s theory of political persuasion. Trump speaks highly of himself, his team and America, and by expressing different syntactic styles, like personal pronouns, he can convey an underlying meaning to politically manipulate his audience. This study contributes to an understanding of how syntactic and lexical structures can have a persuasive effect and be used as a means by politicians to decide how they will be portrayed as leaders.