The purpose of this essay is to analyze how textbooks in religious studies describes gender and sexuality. The textbooks that were chosen are used in upper secondary school in Sweden. The method that was used was a content analysis with the help of queer theory and intersectionality. There is not much Swedish previous research on this topic. The analyze of the textbooks showed that there are varying amounts of different expressions for gender and sexuality in all the textbooks. A couple of common expressions that were shown was that men is superior to women, women’s place in the religious hierarchy is questioned, that sexuality is something that has its purpose in a marriage and to get pregnant, and that homosexuality is still something that is considered abnormal. These expressions could mostly be found in chapters dedicated to marriage, gender, or sexuality but there were also expressions in the chapters about the different religions. The differences between the textbooks were mostly how much expression there was about the gender and sexuality but also what kind of sexuality that was mentioned in the textbooks.