Preschool has an important role in society to form future democratic citizens (Biesta 2003, ss.62f). The education act (SFS 2010:800 1 kap 5§) and Curriculum for the preschool - Lpfö 18 (Skolverket 2018, s.5) maintain that the preschool should be based on a democratic foundation, connect to and solidify respect for basic democratic values. Previous research cited shows that the democratic mission is hard to interpret and realize (Skolverket 2020). The purpose of our study is, by using the perspective of children as future citizens, to visualize how some preschool teachers express how they interpret and de facto work with the curriculum’s mission of democracy. Interviews of preschool teachers were used as a method. The results show that preschool teachers' definition of both democracy as a concept and the democracy mission appears relatively similar. The descriptions of how they work with the democracy mission is sometimes in unison, but also show that different conditions seem to affect their work. The most important factors to affect the work with the Democratic missions seems to be age, verbal language as well as knowledge of the Swedish language.