Me & my family is a knowledge- and motivation-based programme that includes eight weekly sessions provided by the social services for families in which there are parental substance use problems (SUPs). The aim of this study was to evaluate the programme outcomes in terms of child and parental well-being, family climate, and parental alcohol and drug use. The study involved self-reported ratings from 59 children, aged 5–20 years, and 67 parents, of whom approximately two-thirds completed the programme and provided the self-ratings before, on completing, and three months after the intervention. Findings included a significant increase in family closeness and a significant reduction in family chaos after the intervention, which persisted three months post-intervention. Children also reported a reduction in self-rated conduct problems, whereas parents reported a similar reduction in self-rated symptoms of anxiety and depression. Parents also reported less alcohol and drug consumption post-intervention relative to baseline ratings. The findings suggest that the Me & my family programme supports child and family well-being and could potentially protect children from later detrimental outcomes. The results need to be replicated to evaluate the effectiveness of this programme compared with other programmes within the social services. © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.