This paper reports a cross linguistic study thatcompares the coarticulation patterns betweenconsonant and vowel (CV) in Mandarin Chinese andSouthern Swedish. Kinematic data were collectedusing the Electromagnetic Articulography (EMA) forboth languages and were subjected to three types ofCV time lag measurement, based on more or lessequivalent landmarks on lips and tongue, andpartially adopted in previous studies [1, 2, 3]. Wefound rather consistent CV coordination patterns inthese two typologically different languages with boththe velocity-based and the acceleration-basedmeasurements on the lips and the tongue body. Themost striking result to emerge from the data is thesame effect of gender on the variation of CVcoarticulation in both languages, which has not beenreported previously. In addition, only when genderwas added as a factor, did we find the languagedifferences on the CV time lags.