Looking back at the ITM project regarding the advancement of inclusion by evaluating and developing inclusion-oriented learning material, this talk aims at reflecting on the main takeaways from the project, its findings but also experiences in a transnational team regarding the future of educational research in a changing world (Andersen et al. 2022). Additionally, the learnings of a project were and are taking place in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Dealing with inclusion-oriented learning material in these times decisively highlights their importance for learning settings on varying levels. Hence, the project faced an ongoing transformation and acceleration within the demands on inclusivity. The methods, instruments and especially modes of international research applied and developed in the project will be queried about its significance for harmonizing the centrifugal forces of interdependency and individuality in the scope of educational research (Vogt et al. 2021). Therefore, the talk gives a brief overview over the Swedish landscape of inclusion and digital solutions for educational settings. As the analysis of governing documents and the display of inclusion at a Swedish school indicate, the inclusivity of materials as well as the integration of digital learning elements strongly depends on teacher’s knowledge about it, their relation to the student at hand, and the learning environment, methods, approaches, the use of compensatory tools, issues of access, and the use of technology – a wide range of particularities interwoven with the local conditions. Based on this elaboration of local particularities, the question is asked what significance the international exchange and the comparison of different understandings of inclusion actually has for the promotion of inclusion in the individual partner countries and amongst them especially in Sweden. Additionally, an outlook on further research of inclusion – especially within the digital condition – will be provided which potentially opens up new perspectives for researchers as well as for practitioners all around the globe.
Andersen, K. N.; Vogt, M.; Bagger, A.; Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2022). Perspective luxembourgeoise: Conclusions sur le caractère
inclusif des supports pédagogiques. In Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg (2022), 423, 12-15.
Bierschwale, C., Vogt, M., Andersen, K. N., Bagger, A. & Macchia, V. (2020). Qualitätskriterien von inklusiven Bildungsmedien im Fach Mathematik – Theoretische und empirische Rahmenbedingungen. k:ON – Kölner Online Journal für Lehrer*innenbildung, 2020(2), 1-25.
SFS (2010:800). Skollag. [Education Act]. Department of Education, Sweden. SFS (2008:567). Diskrimineringslag [Discrimination act]. Ministry of Culture.
Vogt, M., Andersen, K. N., Bagger, A., Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2021). Inklusionssensible Bildungsmaterialien als „Must have“. Hilfen bei der Bewertung von Vorhandenem und eigenen Erstellung von Neuem. Grundschule aktuell. Zeitschrift des Grundschulverbandes, 2021(155), 18-21.
inclusion, learning materials, digitalization, international comparative education research
Symposium: Digitizing Inclusion in a Changing World: Comparing insights into four European countries for matching new global realities. Chair: Michaela Vogt