The purpose of this research is to explore teachers’ mathematical epistemic beliefs in relation to students in need of special education in mathematics (SEM-students). Teachers’ views on the subject and the students in need are central aspects for the support (Scherer, Beswick, DeBlois, Healey & Opitz, 2016). In more detail, the interest lies in revealing the epistemologies of teachers’ beliefs on the nature of knowing in two very different educational practices: the general situation of the teaching and learning and in the practice of national testing. The research process is guided by four steps: 1; The identification of statements regarding the justification of and source of knowledge 2; The explanatory paraphrasing into groups of statements. 3; A search for concurrence, differences and patterns within and between groups. 4. Finally, a summary of what is characteristic for the nature of knowing in mathematics in relation to SEM-students in these two practices is given.