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The implementation of a solar photovoltaic park with potential energy storage on SSAB's industrial area and its impact onthe internal electricity system
Dalarna University, School of Information and Engineering.
2023 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

The global push for increased renewable energy in power production is reshaping how industries approach energy systems. As the urgency to combat climate change grows, industries are integrating alternative power pathways alongside existing systems. This shift is driven by factors such as renewable energy adoption, energy storage advances, decentralization, electrification, circular economy principles, regulatory support, sustainability goals, and technological progress. These changes not only yield economic benefits but also enhance environmental and social impact. Integrating alternative pathways necessitates strategic planning, optimization, and a phased approach for seamless integration. Through these transformations, industries position themselves as sustainability leaders, align with climate goals, and ensure long-term energy security.

The proposed implementation of a photovoltaic (PV) system at SSAB's steel production plant in Borlänge, specifically for forming line 4's electricity needs, will have a positive impact. This integration introduces renewable energy generation, offsetting the load and reducing reliance on the grid during peak hours, potentially leading to lower costs. It aligns with SSAB's environmental goals by curbing emissions, bolsters energy resilience, and aiding peak demand management. However, challenges in grid integration and infrastructure adjustments must be addressed for successful implementation. Overall, this move embodies SSAB's commitment to sustainability and efficient operations. 

Through the utilization of simulation tools such as PVsyst and Homer Pro, an extensive study was conducted to investigate diverse scenarios involving combinations of a PV system, hydrogen modules, batteries, and a grid-connected load. The primary aim was to assess the feasibility of these scenarios within the energy system context. By leveraging PVsyst's capabilities for photovoltaic system analysis and Homer Pro's system optimization features, the study comprehensively examines interactions between electricity generation, storage, and consumption. This simulation-driven approach provided valuable insights into the performance dynamics, energy balance, and economic viability of each configuration, aiding in the informed selection of optimal combinations that align with the project's feasibility objectives.

The results obtained suggest that the ideal size for the PV system in this context is 2.7 MW, allowing for an annual energy generation of 2.5 GWh. The electricity output aligns well with the yearly demand of 2.4 GWh for Forming Line 4

The results from different scenarios offer valuable insights into how integrating renewable energy and incorporating energy storage affect the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system. Each scenario was assessed in comparison to the base case of grid connection, uncovering a spectrum of LCOE values. It is noteworthy that the highest LCOE, reaching 0.12 €/kWh, was observed when all renewable resources were combined, whereas the lowest LCOE, at 0.059 €/kWh, was achieved with the PV system-only configuration.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Keywords [en]
large scale grid connected PV, LCOE, electrical storage, hydrogen storage, PVsyst, HomerPro
National Category
Energy Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:du-47452OAI: oai:DiVA.org:du-47452DiVA, id: diva2:1818189
Subject / course
Energy Technology
Available from: 2023-12-08 Created: 2023-12-08

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