The Asymmetric Public Goods Game (APGG) C++ framework offers an easy to use environmentto study game theoretical questions. Specifically, it is designed to address questions in thedomain of asymmetric public goods games. The modular architecture allows for a vast amountof scenarios and setups for experimenting with different public goods games, using easy tochange parameters. Users can experiment with well mixed and structured populations aswell as with symmetric and asymmetric payoffs. APGG also features group level payoffs andindividual payoffs, and different evolutionary selection mechanisms (Miller et al., 1995) andreplication schemes. Results are automatically saved in semantic and descriptive structuresand can be easily visualized with the included Python scripts. This paper aims to explain thefunctionality and the structure of the framework, to show the workflow that APGG follows, topresent the different modules that are available, and to show how APGG can be used to runexperiments with public goods games on example scenarios.