In this study we ask how a range of environmental sustainability adjustments that consumers find it easy to adoptaffect the carbon footprint of their food consumption. The study is based on information about real purchases offood products and responses to a questionnaire about the various sustainability adjustments that the studyparticipants apply and their concern about climate change. Based on principal component and regressionanalysis the results from the study indicate that sustainability adjustments such as organic consumption, buyingdomestically produced food and eating seasonal produce, as well as concern about climate change, are associatedwith a reduced carbon footprint from food consumption. The largest reductions were found for organic consumers.The results suggested that most committed organic consumers have a carbon footprint that is about onethird smaller than that of consumers who seldom buy organic food products. The results also indicate that thesevoluntary sustainability adjustments are not sufficient to secure conformity with today’s goals for reducedgreenhouse gas emissions.