Since the advent of the globalization trend, the world has experienced a fastened rate of international migration. Migration efforts have been spurred by different factors such as business, tourism and education. People who migrate to foreign countries in pursuit of better education are known as international students. Upon completion of their studies, international students can opt to return to their country of origin or continue staying in the host country and work there. As such, international students can attribute to the host country’s economy with their skills and international experience. Consequently, this study from an HR point of view aims to investigate international students' intentions to want to work in Sweden and the factors and challenges that influence their decision to stay in Sweden to work or return to their home country after graduation. Eleven interviews were conducted with international students studying at Dalarna University in Sweden. The findings of these interviews were analyzed using a conceptual framework based on the push and pull model and the Lee model of migration out of which four themes emerged; career development, improving quality of life, poor social interactions and the family factor. It was concise from the findings that international students have a desire to work in Sweden after their studies and are motivated to do so by varied factors. Nonetheless, securing a job in the Swedish job market appeared hard to accomplish largely due the language barrier and the challenge of forming social interactions with the locals. Thus, this thesis offers insights to prospective employers, universities and other stakeholders on the experiences and challenges that international students might face in work environments.