In the Swedish educational system, there has been a recent push for digital technology in different school subjects. This paper explore what regulates Swedish physical education teachers’ perceptions of digital technology in outdoor education. The results is reflected in a number of rules that govern Swedish physical education teachers’ perceptions and use of digital technology in outdoor education.
This study is based on a questionnaire that was conducted with physical education teachers in late 2019.
To achieve the aim of our study, we approached a version of mixed method called the convergent parallel design which include both quantitative and qualitative analysis. In this approach, qualitative and quantitative data are combined and integrated in order to strengthen and give nuance to the analysis of the collected data.
Findings suggest that teachers’ views on the relevance of digital technology in outdoor education depends partly on curriculum formulations, but of significant importance are also other factors such as: the addressed knowledge area, grade level, choice of digital device, needs of students, and teachers’ ideological beliefs. These rules are discussed in relation to the construction of outdoor education as knowledge area within physical education and in relation to the ways in which Swedish physical education teachers relate to curriculum changes.
One important conclusion from the displayed rules is that they indicate the continuing dominance of orienteering in outdoor education within physical education. We argue that the hegemonic position which orienteering occupies, which in this study is displayed through the introduction of digital technology, risks overshadowing and slowing down the development of other knowledge areas in outdoor education such as environmental sustainability and place pedagogy.
Kroppsøvingskonferansen Norges idrettshøgskole , 2-3 june 2022, Oslo, Norway.