Solar collector technology is looking for expansion towards low cost collectors. When low cost collector markets are increasing also the competition between manufacturers is reaching higher levels. Low cost collectors can offer new business opportunities for countries which have strong knowledge of plastic materials and automated production technologies . At the moment collectors from polypropylene materials are having leading market share of low cost collectors with rather good manufacturing technology and efficiency. Problems are still remaining with polymer materials and search for new materials and development of old ones is going on forward. Fibre glass fabric is old material and used as part of collectors also before. Prototype build by Falutank is made totally from fibre glass fabrics and laminated with polyester resin. Material properties are similar to other plastics. Major problem with low thermal conductivity is also similar. Prototype’s performance and characteristics have been measured in Borlänge , Sweden, at latitude 60?N. Standard ISO9806-1 was used as a reference for efficiency measures. Test results are showing that prototype can produce energy with efficiency curve similar to unglazed plastic collectors. Costs however are higher due to the manual manufacturing and high hourly labour costs. Costs are major preventing factor for prototype’s launching on market. To be able to compete with on-market products prototype collector must be designed differently to achieve not only higher performance but also radical savings in manufacturing costs. Results show also that glass fibre fabrics have potential to offer for low cost solar collector markets. To clarify how much potential there is requires still comprehensive development and these ideas are presented in this report. Hopefully the work for next prototype will go positively forward.